
None of This Momentum Means Anything if Republicans Don't Learn to Draw First

AP Photo/Yuki Iwamura

The Republican Party is a reactive political entity. Its strategy has been to wait and see what happens for decades, effectively allowing anyone and anything to act first, so Republicans can respond later. 

They say the best offense is a good defense, but not in politics. I think the Democrats have made that very clear over the past few decades, and the Republican Party could learn a thing or two from them. 

As Jeff Charles reported in January, George Soros is looking to do in Texas what the "Gang of Four" did in Colorado and use an overwhelming amount of money to build a hard-left infrastructure within the state. Pay close attention to the fact that this not the first time this has happened. In fact, Soros's attempt is not the second. This is very much a proven strategy that the Democrats rely heavily on in order to erode Republican advantages in red strongholds. While Republicans do attempt similar strategies, there's been no cohesive strategy like the ones Democrats deploy. 

Hell, Democrats are so good at being proactive that they set the stage for any conversation around a subject by normalizing their language around it. 

(READ: The Leftist Language Game)

At this time, the Democrats are on the back foot. Something rarely seen in today's day and age. As I wrote at the end of May, the Democrats made their obsession with Trump the center of their concerns, so much so that they didn't anticipate the backlash that would come as a result of their lawfare, which when combined with their mishandling of the economy, has created an opening for Republicans so wide they could fly Trump-force One through it. 

(READ: The Democrats Are a Cornered Animal)

As I write this, America First Legal (AFL) is taking advantage of one such slip up in the form of investigating a key figure in New York's case against Trump. According to Fox News, AFL has launched a lawsuit alleging Matthew Colangelo, the once-number three guy at Biden's DOJ, jumped ship just in time to help launch Alvin Bragg's case against Trump: 

America First Legal (AFL) alleged in the lawsuit filed Monday that New York County District Attorney Alvin Bragg – the lead official in Trump's prosecution – hired Matthew Colangelo in December 2022 to reportedly "jump-start" his office’s investigation of Trump, reportedly due to Mr. Colangelo’s "history of taking on Donald J. Trump and his family business."

The lawsuit states Colangelo previously held senior positions at the DOJ and the New York Attorney General's Office, "both of which had competing investigations" related to Trump. Colangelo left his high-ranking DOJ post to join Bragg's investigation of Trump months before the indictment of the former president.

"It is not every day that the number three ranking DOJ official — the Acting Associate Attorney General — leaves his post to join a district attorney’s office. Yet, that is exactly what Mr. Colangelo did," AFL said in a news release. "This calculated move reeks of partisanship."

While I'm definitely not advocating that the GOP leave themselves wide open for this kind of mistake by mimicking Colangelo — as Democrats would definitely take advantage of that — but the determination of the Democrats to take down their political opponent shouldn't go overlooked here. In fact, Republicans AGs around the country should watch what's happening, take the strengths of the strategy, leave the weaknesses, and begin going on a very destructive warpath. 

While I've seen articles noting that some Republicans have begun doing something similar, I fear that this will just be a temporary trend. Republicans love to act tough, but they don't like to be tough. They like to issue strongly worded letters, have viral videos of themselves coming down on witnesses during committee hearings, and issue tweets. 

Meanwhile, while they're doing that, Democrats are already onto their next offensive. 

It was reported on Tuesday that House Speaker Mike Johnson has a "battle plan" to combat the "weaponizations" of the government against Trump but didn't release what that plan is. Regardless, this is just more reactive measures that the Democrats will get around. 

The bottom line here is that in politics, the best defense is a good offense. The Democrats don't need to worry too much about reactionary measures because once the damage is done, the nature of government makes whatever happened too difficult to undo. They gain their power, and get little retaliation in return because there's not much their opponents can do about it, especially if they don't have the necessary power in the House, Senate, and White House. 

The Republicans need to start bringing in minds who are thirsty to find Democrat weaknesses and exploiting them, not just at the ballot box, but at the courthouse. It's not like there isn't a lot of corruption to go around on the left. 

The right needs to get into the habit of attacking first. They need to pick the fight. They need to be the bully. 

Only then will Democrats find themselves in a true position of weakness. Having to deal with whatever the Republicans did take a lot of time and money to fix and by the time they even come close to doing anything about it, Republicans should be onto the next offensive. It's imperative that Republicans strike this attitude while the Democrats are weak. 

I'm sick of watching the Democrats get away with every crime under the sun because they know nothing will come back on them. If nothing is done by the Republican Party to bring the hurt down on Democrats, then the Republican Party is just as guilty as the Democrats are for everything the Democrats do. 


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