
The Left Doesn't Just Want to Kill Your Heroes, It Needs To


Say what you will about Saul Alinsky, but he knew the psychology of the mob and how to utilize it. He understood what targets to attack, how to attack them, and how long to keep the attack up. His strategies are unquestioningly effective and are, in a way, largely responsible for the current state of our political discourse.

That said, his wildly effective strategies are wildly effective because people don’t understand that they’re strategies for social dominance in the first place. Most people don’t know who Alinsky is or just how much of a negative impact he’s had on our society. If more people knew about him, people would understand that much of what they hear in the media, specifically about right-leaning figures, Christians, or pro-lifers is either a misrepresentation or an all-out lie.

Destroying the reputation of good people is a key part of the Alinskyite strategy and absolutely necessary for the propagation of leftist narratives. No matter how unbelievable and far-fetched your narrative might be, it becomes far easier to sell when those opposed to it look like raging extremists and hypocrites.

You can see this demonstrated all the time. On the macro scale, any social media platform outside of the mainstream Silicon Valley platforms is hailed as being a gathering space of hateful lunatics and bitter clingers. They’ve attempted to paint Rumble as one recently, but as Joe Rogan and Russell Brand recently discussed, it’s hard for that claim to stick when you have Democrats and moderates headlining the platform.

(READ: Rumble Will Become a Concern for YouTube If it Isn’t Already)

On the micro-scale, you can see this strategy demonstrated in the attack on Texas Rep. Nate Schatzline, a Christian man who’s made it his mission to protect children from radical leftist activists attempting to introduce them to sexual concepts and get them into the same rooms as hyper-sexualized drag queens. Leftists went through his social media history and found a skit he’d done in high school where he wore a dress. It was a weak attack and a solid demonstration that the left doesn’t fully understand humor, but that didn’t matter. The left was able to get their teeth into it, so they could mock and berate him publicly.

(READ: Texas Democrats Clown Themselves in Their Attack on Rep. Nate Schatzline)

Another recent attack was the one against Jessa Duggar of “19 Kids and Counting” fame. The Christian figure was accused of having an abortion after being vocally pro-life. The left jumped on her as a hypocrite, and mainstream sources did their best to highlight her as a fraud and a liar.

Only she didn’t have an abortion. She had a miscarriage and was forced to have a procedure done to have the baby’s remains removed from her body so as to prevent infection and disease. The procedure is similar to one that takes place during an abortion, so leftists immediately began claiming that this Christian woman is a massive hypocrite who wants to be able to have procedures she wants to stop you from having.

Again, it’s a weak attack that falls apart upon even the slightest inspection but it doesn’t matter. The point wasn’t to be factually accurate, it was to diminish a Christian figure.

(READ: Jessa Duggar Fires Back at the Disgusting Ghouls Who Falsely Accused Her of Having an Abortion)

All of these attacks serve two purposes.

Firstly, it demoralizes Christians. For those not paying attention, the narrative might stick and the disappointment of watching a well-known Christian prove to be a hypocrite can shake the community. This could lead to feelings of isolation or even a loss of faith. It also teaches Christians that they should stay quiet lest they become targets of the mainstream-driven mob as well.

Secondly, it reinforces the idea to the rest of the populace that anyone outside the mainstream, especially their most notable members, are all raging hypocrites and that staying with the sane mainstream figures and believing what they believe is the right move.

This is how they paint the sane and logical as the fringe and make the fringe look sane and logical.

It’s how they move the Overton window, normalize insanity, and ultimately turn society into a hellscape. It might be a long, slow process but it’s one that they’ve been at for a very, very long time, and it’s definitely had its effect. It’s imperative that these lies get called out, but just as importantly, it’s important that these strategies are understood and well-known.

The fight for the culture has to include knowledge of the enemy’s playbook. Knowing your enemy is the first step in any battle.


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