
A Look Into the Social Justice Mindset Proves They Don't Even Understand Their Own Anger

(David Young/PA via AP)

I’ve said on many occasions that one of the things that clinical psychologists and neuroscientists need to look into is the effect that social justice has on the brain.

Something about social justice turns people into angry, scared, unstable people who seem to be robbed of their common sense and rationality, and react to situations with unreasonable responses and extreme emotion. Take this grown woman who was told to move out by her mother. She goes from attempting to set rules that don’t actually exist for her mother to an extreme emotional breakdown in the blink of an eye.

(READ: Social Justice’s Effect on the Brain: Grown Woman Devolves Into Tears After Being Told to Move out by Mother)

I wouldn’t even consider that the most extreme case. Bizarre reactions are a dime-a-dozen, but sometimes it gets so bad that social justice advocates don’t even know why they’re mad. They just see something and immediately relate it to be problematic in some form. A solid example recently came across my Twitter feed courtesy of Libs of TikTok.

In the video, actress Drew Barrymore is seen frolicking in the rain…and that’s it. She’s not doing anything else. She didn’t even say anything in the video. It was just pure joy she had for being in the rain. This was enough to upset a black woman on TikTok–who goes by “amushroomblackly”– and began accusing the woman of going past boundaries that black creators had set, and finished it off with a question.

“Why is it so important to all of you to treat us like we don’t matter?” the woman asked.

I’ve now watched this video a few times and it’s still unclear as to what boundaries Barrymore crossed. After going into the TikToker’s previous videos, the only thing I can get out of it is that she believes frolicking in the rain is something she considers to be “cultural appropriation,” a false concept that social justice warriors like to invoke in order to claim an activity belongs to a certain race or people that no one else can have.

There’s no such thing as cultural appropriation, as I debunked years ago.

You might be asking why people would go so far as to find fault with someone frolicking in the rain. It’s because this is a requirement for social justice advocacy. As grifter activist Anita Sarkeesian once told a crowd, you have to find racism, sexism, and problems in every single, little thing in order to be a social justice activist, and you have to point it out.

Imagine living a life where you have to see the dark side of everything. You can find no real happiness because even the most innocent moments are to be wrapped up in some sort of evil. You live in a world of constant anger, hate, bigotry, and unfairness.

That’s got to have some sort of effect on the brain. After a time, you’ll begin to see monsters where there are windmills, and you’ll charge at them with the full belief that you’re conquering some great evil that could bring humanity down at any moment. You lose all sense of reality and believe yourself to be the good guy–when you’ve actually become the very evil you believe yourself to be destroying.

The really horrible part of all of this is that at the end of the day, social justice advocacy is being forced to be angry all the time and about everything. It’s embracing the idea that there are no bright spots about humanity except when your opponents lose. It’s not a healthy way of looking at life, as you can see by just the two examples above.

Watch social justice warriors in the future, and watch as they scrape the bottom of the barrel for reasons to be offended. Making fun of them is a good thing as they should be made fun of, but in a way, it’s also good to remember that these poor idiots were seduced by a very evil ideology and are now trapped in a false reality that it’s hard for them to escape from.


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