
How the West Will Be Won

Photo by Arthur Mola/Invision/AP

There’s something about Americans. Rebellion is in our blood and has been since the founding of our country. There’s something about being told what to do that just rubs us the wrong way.

This doesn’t make us immune to control, however. Usually, someone wants to control the American populace they have to utilize our tribalism along with our willingness to do the right thing. You can oftentimes see this is being used effectively by Democrats who have mastered the art of “othering” people while giving those who are doing the othering the perceived moral high ground for whatever they do.

Many people can be fooled in this way, especially those who don’t spend a lot of time digging around in current events or have a firm grasp of understanding basic history. They can be brainwashed into believing that conservatives are evil, Democrats are righteous and good, and that everything they say is said with the backing of virtue. They can also convince you that every position they take is done so through careful consideration and has the backing of experts. Defying them becomes an issue of stupidity and foolishness.

It’s a weasel tactic that has been perfected over the course of generations. The key is total domination of mainstream stages and the disallowance of debate.

This is how you control an American. You do so by perverting their greater angels and turning them into greater demons.

But every now and again, the veil they put in front of people’s faces flutters and reveals a world that the brainwashed American wasn’t supposed to see. A factoid here, an oddity there, a noticed hypocrisy, or even just a feeling that something is right. These things sometimes trigger a search for better understanding which can sometimes lead to uncovering an entirely new way of thinking. What’s worse for the powers that be on the left is that this way of thinking often falls out of their control.

The left is typically unable to cope with this and will begin lashing out at the people who have begun to question them. This will sometimes trigger a Streisand effect as the information they tried to keep hidden begins to spread more rapidly due to the attention being given to it by outside sources.

If this happens on a great enough scale, a revolt of some kind happens. It can take many forms like the “Tea Party” in 1773 or the “Tea Party” in 2009.

But this isn’t just an American phenomenon. The western world is a big place and the ideals of freedom and liberty can be found in many places in it. Right now, Canada is experiencing its own freedom-based revolt, and the western should be paying attention, namely the Democrat leaders in America.

No matter what, revolts affect change in the country they take part in. The “Freedom Convoy” isn’t just a handful of truckers acting up, it’s Canadian citizens who are waking up to the fact that they have a thumb pressed down on them and have had one for some time. They just never truly felt it until its Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, pressed down harder than he should have. This convoy is acting as a mouthpiece for many Canadian citizens who are declaring that they won’t be subjugated any longer.

As my colleague Bonchie pointed out, Trudeau is reacting rather predictably and doing what many tyrants do when their grip on power is threatened; they grip tighter. In many countries throughout history, quelling a rebellion may have worked here and there, but this is the west. Rebellions aren’t quelled, they push the country in a different direction.

For instance, both tea parties introduced an identity to Americans that gave them to strength and power to speak up against authority and eventually topple it. It paved the way for change in ways that were wildly inconvenient to the authoritarians in power.

There’s no reason to think that what we’re seeing in Canada is the turning of a page and a new chapter beginning for the country.

But what inspired this isn’t “right-wing media” as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer claimed, it was the authoritarians who pushed people too far. As these would-be tyrants close their fists even tighter, more people will slip through their fingers and realize that in order to be free, the authoritarians have to be fired.

We may be witnessing the beginning of the end for many politicians, including Trudeau. In their hubris, they’ll be taken down when they thought they were invincible as many leftist politicians have been throughout history.

You can ask Terry McAuliffe about that.

At that point, the west will, once again, belong to the freedom-loving people who created it.


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