There’s more to this election than just keeping Democrat nominee Joe Biden out of office. It’s keeping China out of office as well.
It may sound a bit tinfoil hat to say that China is attempting to sink its fingers into the United States of America through Joe Biden but there’s so much mounting evidence to show that our communist enemy would love nothing more than to get President Donald Trump out and replace him with a President Joe Biden.
It’s something that hasn’t gone unnoticed by Trump himself, who, according to Fox News, made it clear that China is rooting for Biden, possibly to the point of attempted interference:
Trump contrasted his tough approach on China with his 2020 opponent Joe Biden, and warned “if he gets elected, China will own our country. ”
“If you look at what we’ve done with China, nobody’s ever done to China,” he said.
Pointing to warnings by U.S. intelligence officials of Beijing’s plan to interfere in the upcoming election on Biden’s behalf, Trump said “They own him and they want me to lose so badly.”
“China owns Joe Biden. His son got a billion and a half dollars. His son with no experience, no brainpower, no anything, never did it, not only Ukraine, he got hundreds of thousands of dollars of money from Ukraine and the upfront payment and then with China he walks up with a billion and half dollars in fees. It’s ridiculous,” Trump said.
“They own Joe Biden. They own him and they want me to lose so badly.”
He’s not wrong. Trump has been nothing but a giant wrench in China’s gears since he stepped behind the Resolute Desk. Between being increasingly tough on trade, bringing jobs back from China to America, and constantly reminding everyone that the virus that ravaged the world was of Chinese origin, President Donald Trump just isn’t good for Chinese business and four more years of Trump mucking up the program for them may be far more disastrous than even we think.
Luckily for China, they have a solid ally within the states and that’s the party that wants more than anything to get him out. The Democrats, the media, and many a special interest group aren’t exactly having the best time because of Trump either. He keeps reversing Obama-era policies, collapsing the socialized healthcare they’ve been working toward for eons, cutting taxes that resulting in the defunding of various social programs, and slashing budgets for government agencies left and right.
He is a nightmare for Democrats.
So China and the Democrats have a common enemy.
It goes deeper than that, however.
It’s clear that the Biden family and China have some pretty close ties as the New York Post covered March thanks to his son Hunter and his close relationship with business officials:
Start with Hunter’s shenanigans. In 2017, the illustrious vice-presidential son was granted what Chinese commentators described as a Xianchai, a sinecure reserved for offspring of important officials, at BHR Partners. BHR is a $20 billion fund with shareholders that include China Life, China Development Bank and other state-owned entities. China’s State Council calls on BHR to find deals abroad by hiring foreigners with political connections.
Hunter may have been the wrong choice, though, considering his knack for attracting publicity and his dealings with Ye Jianming, a former energy CEO now jailed by Beijing for corruption. Jianming presented Hunter a large diamond — and the president of Chad a $2 million bribe.
Under media scrutiny, young Biden announced his resignation from BHR in October 2019, though the Chinese public records still list him as an officer. This all happened, he explains, after his father left office. In China, though, there is a widespread belief that officials are even more influential in retirement.
That’s just Hunter, you may say, but the truth is that the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree as the New York Post revealed:
His son’s profiteering aside, Joe Biden defends this system — and has since meeting Deng Xiaoping in 1979, when he joined the first US congressional delegation to the People’s Republic.
As chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in the early 2000s and then as veep, Biden helped along China’s geopolitical rise. Bernie Sanders is thus right to criticize Biden for supporting the grant of Permanent Normal Trade Relations status to China in 2000.
A decade later, Biden said: “A rising China is a … positive development not only for China, but for America.” Tell that to the 1 million Uighurs in Chinese concentration camps. Tell it to Asian democracies menaced by Beijing’s bullying. Tell it to the American factory workers who lost good jobs while Hunter got $80,000 a month for his princeling sinecure.
Today, Biden randomly spouts about hardline stances with China but that’s just him talking out of one side of his mouth. As he flexes his muscles in a show of “leadership,” his party is too busy praising China and even going so far as defending them against criticism from Republican leaders.
(Slipping Veil: China Gets Praise From Democrats During a Senate Judiciary Committee Meeting)
The guy has even been quoting Mao Zedong, China’s most notorious communist leader who killed around 45 million people.
(READ: Biden Quoted a Notorious Communist Leader During a Campaign Appearance…Again)
Keep in mind that China is a country that operates on corruption, backroom deals, and oligarchical decision making. It’s a Democrat’s dream government. The wheeling and dealing with China likely go a lot deeper with both entities than we likely think and I’m pretty sure if an investigation was launched into the Democrat party’s involvement with China, you’d uncover a nest of vipers a mile deep.
China shouldn’t be trusted and any party that willing to engage with it so closely shouldn’t be trusted either.