Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stood by her “principles” and refused to vote for funding to help support the ever-growing migrant crowd at the border and deepening the crisis every day. The legislation passed without “The Squad’s” help, but regardless, AOC was able to stand tall knowing that she stuck it to those racist Republicans by not helping the needy Central Americans at the border.
What a warrior.
Where AOC and her ilk fail, a pro-life group refuses to. Known as the New Wave Feminists, this group of women is constantly making supply runs to holding areas where migrants are taken in order to help them. According to National Review, they’ve been doing this since December:
In December, “our ragtag secular lady gang” raised just under $10,000 dollars to take two van loads of supplies to the Humanitarian Respite Center” in McAllen, Texas, Rachel Lamb, director of Humanitarian Outreach for New Wave Feminists explains. (They were encouraged by the director of the center to bring the supplies and help process the gifts themselves, because volunteers are stretched there.) “We raised another $1,000 to have more toilet facilities built.” Their current campaign has a deadline of July 13 for another delivery.
“We are pro-life because we care about the inherit human dignity of every living person, inside the womb and out,” Herndon-De La Rosa says. She feels a heightened responsibility to not look away from people at the border because “as a Texan . . . it’s happening in my backyard,” she notes. “All are vulnerable and all are human beings.”
Kendra Stanton Lee is a writer at Medium who had just gotten done complaining that pro-lifers didn’t care about the plight of the children at the border, noting that religious organizations had stayed quiet about the crisis thus far. Then she heard about New Wave Feminists, and learned that pro-life organizations were doing more in the background than she had originally thought:
Reached by phone, Herndon-de la Rosa said she had made the same voyage in December 2018 to bring toiletries to a respite humanitarian center in McAllen, Texas run by Sr. Norma Pimentel. At that time, Herndon-de la Rosa said the center was overwhelmed and undersupplied, welcoming 800 new visitors per day, brought by ICE after their detainment. When Herndon-de la Rosa returned home, she knew she needed to enlist more help to make another such delivery. Herndon-de la Rosa was able to obtain sponsorship from more than 50 pro-life organizations to raise $133,000 toward supplies like formula, diapers, and other toiletries.
It becomes tiresome listening to the left proclaim that we don’t seem to care about children outside the womb. Not only do organizations help feed and care for children at the border, the Catholic church has also sent aid.
While you hear people like Ocasio-Cortez attempt to virtue signal over the treatment of people at the border, just remember that she spent her time fake crying at a gate that blocked off an empty parking lot while pro-life organizations did the heavy lifting to actually help.
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