The relationship between Texas Senator Ted Cruz and President Donald Trump has been a roller coaster.
At first, the two got along during the early moments of the 2016 elections, but then it quickly devolved into one of the most contentious back and forths the Republican party has seen in a long while.
It was horrid as Trump not only attacked Cruz, and gave him the title of “Lyin’ Ted,” but also brought Cruz’s wife, Heidi, and his father, Rafael, into his crosshairs. Both attacks were under the belt and, in the case of Rafael, absolutely bizarre as Trump linked him with the JFK assassination.
For his attacks on his wife, Cruz called Trump a coward and classless, in addition to a “moron,” as well as a “pathological liar,” and a “narcissist.”
The feud between the two left lasting damage. Trump’s attacks on Cruz’s family tarnished him in the eyes of many Republicans who still look down on him for it today, and the fact that Cruz worked alongside Trump after he won the election made him look weak and unable to defend his wife in the eyes of many.
However, that all seems to be in the past for the two men now.
During the rally for Cruz in Houston, Trump actually brought the tumultuous past between them up and laid it to rest.
Trump noted that at the beginning of the 2016 election cycle, he and Cruz had a “love fest,” but after the two candidates completed an event against Obama’s Iran nuclear deal, the gloves came off.
“We actually had a rally in Washington, D.C., together, and nobody could believe it, but we had the rally together and then we said, ‘you know, it’s time.’ That’s what has to happen,” said Trump to the packed crowd at the Toyota Center about his feud.
“It got nasty,” added Trump.
However, Trump began praising Cruz as one of his most accomplished and helpful allies.
“And then it ended and I’ll tell you what, nobody has helped me more with your tax cuts, with your regulation, with all of the things that we’re doing including military and our vets, than Sen. Ted Cruz,” said Trump.
Donald Trump says Ted Cruz has become a "really good friend" of his.
“We had our little difficulties…but actually, if you remember, at the beginning it was a love fest.”
Watch the Trump rally in Texas here, courtesy of @NBCDFW. #tx2018
— Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune) October 23, 2018
Before this, Cruz himself had come out and explained why he and Trump have a solid relationship after such a fiery rivalry during a debate with his challenger Robert O’Rourke.
“Now, after the election in 2016, I faced a choice,” said Cruz. “Donald Trump had been elected president and we had an opportunity to do something extraordinary. I made a conscious choice to do the job I’d been elected to do, which is to represent 28 million Texans. I’ve got a responsibility which is to fight for every person here and every person in this state.”
“And so I have worked hand in hand with the President on substance, and we have delivered remarkable victories. The biggest tax cut of a generation,” he continued. “We’ve seen four million new jobs created since Trump was elected and we cut taxes and cut regulations. We’re seeing record low unemployment.”
“Texans’ lives are better, so yes I could have chosen to make it about myself to be selfish and say, ‘You know what, my feelings are hurt. So I’m going to take my marbles and go home, but I think that would have been not doing the job I was elected to, and every single day in the Senate it has been my job to fight for jobs, jobs, jobs, and to fight for 28 million Texans,” he concluded.
It looks like the two men have put the past in the past, which has worked out very well for everyone.
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