The world is currently revolving around the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School…well, at least a select few of them.
You’d think the likes of Cameron Kasky, David Hogg, and Emma Gonzales were the only kind of student who attends MSDHS. All of them survivors turned anti-gun experts due to the shooting that left 17 of their peers tragically slain. If the media were to be believed, you’d think these students represented the minds of all MSDHS students.
This narrative is even being continued by TIME magazine ahead of their “student-led” march. In fact, TIME has made these students the cover of their latest release.
In reality, MSDHS isn’t filled to the brim with anti-gun student activists. There’s a completely ignored part of Parkland that wishes for no such thing. Student Kyle Kashuv, who has been largely ghosted by the media currently fawning over his anti-gun peers, is proof of this.
As Hogg, Kasky, et al appear on every media outlet under the sun to promote a grand “March for Our Lives” event set to take place in D.C. this weekend, put together by a bevy of major leftist activist organizations, and helped along by celebrities of all stripes, Kashuv has been doing work.
As I’ve written before, there’s a quality to Kashuv that makes him far more real in both intent and execution that I respect, and not just because he agrees with me. Furthermore, instead of marching or denouncing politicians and organizations, Kashuv actually went to D.C. to speak to politicians and work to create and pass the “Stop School Violence Act.”
I would like to publically announce, that after much research, I will be supporting @senorrinhatch and Senator @marcorubio's bill the Stop School Violence act. I will be discussing it with @foxandfriends this morning.
I also support @SenTedCruz's bill and will 100% help pass it pic.twitter.com/hGcvvuofUl
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 9, 2018
Kashuv has done more for the safety of schools than all the media celebrated anti-gun student activists have combined, and in a much shorter period. The anti-gun students may be the centerpiece of a high-profile march, but marches in themselves really accomplish nothing. You can ask the “Resistance,” who despite all of their marches and demonstrations have yet to succeed in moving the needle anywhere.
But there will be no celebration of Kashuv. In fact, you’ll find him the point of much derision from the left and the anti-gun activists who support his peers. Even his fellow students openly despise him, and Kashuv finds himself publicly at odds with the likes of Hogg and Kasky constantly.
And for good reason. Kashuv is the thorn in the whole anti-gun narrative’s side. They’d all rather he not exist, or at the very least be so public. Social media, Fox News, and other right-leaning outlets aren’t letting this happen, not out of spite for the left, but because we believe Kashuv is the real student story of the Parkland shooting. The student who said “enough,” but instead of calling politicians the “b*tch” of the NRA and performing on behalf of activist groups, went out and made realistic change happen.
It’s a shame that we’re not seeing more of Kashuv being celebrated by the mainstream media at large. According to Gallup, Pew, and Harvard, people around his age actually view guns as a boon. Sadly, that’s not the world we live in. Media bias leans heavily against the bias reality holds. Acknowledging Kashuv, or even giving him a spot among his peers in the spotlight, doesn’t fit the narrative, and so he has to go.
It’s a narrative that’s unbelievably easy to recognize, and one that Kashuv likes to call out, as he did with the TIME cover.
Cause that would make TIME be unbiased
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) March 22, 2018
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