
Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Update on Anthony Fauci and His Beagle-Testing Lies, More Drama at WaPo

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

We recently covered some of the new developments revealed about the controversy of Dr. Anthony Fauci's connection to the disturbing dog experiments. The story broke years ago, due to the revelations from the White Coat Waste Project, and at the time we scorched the Washington Post for its reflexive defense of Fauci and taking a critical stance towards the conservative animal rights outfit.

In an update, we point out how Fauci is on a book tour and is still pushing his denials. This is because he published a book about his innocence in connection to that lab, but proof disqualifying that claim has emerged since publication. He is now caught in his lies on this matter. For amusement, at the Daily Beast, Martin Pengelly offered up his own Fauci deflection, relying solely on the contents of his now-discredited book. 

[NOTE: After recording, we learned Pengelly has left TDB, after a stint lasting barely over a month.]

We also will take a look at the ongoing melodrama at the Washington Post, with its new CEO, Will Lewis, coming under perpetual criticism over his past with British tabloids. Now, his pick as executive editor - Robert Winnett, set to take over in the fall - has announced he will not be joining the Post after all, amid the fallout. The drama, it continues…

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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