ORWELLIAN: Josh Shapiro Starts Disappearing His Pro-Israel Past to Appease the Hamas Simps

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

Deep down, we all knew it was coming. On Friday, a mis-scheduled post on social media appeared to reveal Josh Shapiro as Kamala Harris' vice presidential pick. By Saturday, the full-scale attempt to scrub his pro-Israel past was underway. 


SEE: Kamala Harris VP Pick Leaked By Incompetent Philly City Staffer

For the better part of a year, Democrats have struggled to appease the radical pro-terror contingent in their party. That's especially important in a state like Michigan, where the Muslim population is large enough to make a difference in a close contest. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have repeatedly downplayed the violence and abuse perpetrated by Hamas supporters in America. They've also both lashed out at Israel, essentially blaming it for the results of actions taken by terrorist groups. 

With that dynamic in play, the question was how Shapiro, who is Jewish and has been openly pro-Israel for decades, would respond. It appears we have our answer. Like every other Democrat, he would rather pat antisemites on the head for political gain than stand by the truth. 

For example, while in college, Shapiro wrote the following: 

“Palestinians will not coexist peacefully,” Shapiro wrote. “They do not have the capabilities to establish their own homeland and make it successful even with the aid of Israel and the United States. They are too battle-minded to be able to establish a peaceful homeland of their own.”

It's worth noting that in the preceding decades, Shapiro's words have been proven correct. Yasser Arafat would go on to reject a two-state solution and instead embrace perpetual war. The same outcome would repeat some years later when Palestinians elected Hamas in Gaza. The rest is history, with continual acts of terrorism and pledges to wipe Israel off the map. 


So what did Shapiro do when those words surfaced over the last week? He immediately disowned them. 

Manuel Bonder, a spokesperson for Shapiro, said in a statement that the governor’s position has changed over the last three decades and noted his support for a two-state solution.

“Governor Shapiro has built close, meaningful, informative relationships with many Muslim-American, Arab-American, Palestinian Christian, and Jewish community leaders all across Pennsylvania,” Bonder said. “The governor greatly values their perspectives and the experiences he has learned from over the years — and as a result, as with many issues, his views on the Middle East have evolved into the position he holds today.”

Just like that, his real talk about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was transformed into a mush-mouthed statement about valuing everyone's perspective and supporting a "two-state solution," which most Palestinians themselves do not support. Being a Democrat in the West means pretending the world is all about unicorns and rainbows, where terrorists just want to live peacefully side-by-side with those they want to commit genocide against. 

Shapiro also volunteered to serve in the IDF. That, too, is now being disappeared in the name of appeasing the radicals in Dearborn: 


As of Saturday morning, that big chunk of Shapiro's history no longer existed on Wikipedia: 

It's Orwellian, and a sign of just how far Democrats are willing to go to hold onto power. This should be a lesson to Jewish Americans. Despite past perceptions, Shapiro is no different than Bernie Sanders. He's not going to have your back when politics gets in the way. He's willing to throw Israel and Jews under the bus if it means winning the votes of rabid antisemites who chant things like "from the river to the sea." 


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