
Heartbreaking Video Shows 'Transgender' Child Questioning His 'Transition,' Crying During Operation

Credit: End Wokeness

The cultural firestorm around transgender ideology continues to rage, and no hotter area of the discussion exists than that around how it relates to children. 

So-called "gender-affirming care" for children has become more common over the last several years, with even mutilating surgeries qualifying as such. The most common form of "gender-affirming care," though, is the "transitioning" of a child via puberty blockers and hormone blockers. That often takes place at a very young age, long before you would expect any adolescent to have any actual idea of who they are or want to be.

A newly resurfaced video is currently going viral showing the cost of that push by the far left, including the White House. In it, a young boy who has been "transitioned" into a "girl" tells his mother that sometimes he feels like he's a boy. Then he asks a question that is just heartbreaking. 

I found myself wanting to click away watching the clip because it was so disturbing. The discomfort and anger I feel seeing an obviously mentally deranged mother hovering over her son who she's "transitioned" is hard to put into words. 

You can hear the fear in the boy's voice as he asks his mother if she would still love him as the boy that he actually is. The only reason for him to ask that question is if he's felt like his mother has only loved him as a "girl" in the past. It's a short exchange, but it says so very much. How is this happening anywhere, much less in a supposedly advanced nation like the United States? 

The answer resides with the current medical establishment, and unfortunately, much of this isn't new. Clips from an older NBC News piece give an eye into the beginnings of some of the arguments that now permeate the pro-transgender lobby. 

KOTP: To me, it seems ridiculous to have a kid at age 12, 13, 14 deciding whether they want to have biological children when they're 20, 30, or 40, I mean.

DOCTOR: Well, they make the decision to kill themselves at 12 and 13. That's a pretty powerful decision. We take an oath, first do no harm. If doing nothing is doing harm, you have to do something.

It's just disgusting to see that exchange. The doctor was participating in the worst form of emotional blackmail, using the possible suicide of a child to justify the abject abuse of one. Still, her claim makes no sense whatsoever. A child can also choose to do any number of negative things. That doesn't mean that child is now capable of consenting to "transitioning" their gender. There's nothing logical about that, and doing harm to children in order to supposedly save them from some other hypothetical (and likely preventable) harm is insane. 

Holding a crying child down on a cold medical table to give them a hormone-blocking implant that will eventually sterilize them is the kind of thing I'd expect from Nazi Germany. How is that legal? How are authorities not arresting people for child abuse? How are these doctors allowed to profit from these atrocities? 

For all the talk of the United States being a right and just nation, I don't think we can claim that mantle if we allow this to continue. Right now, we are no longer the good guys. 


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