With so much going on at the national level, it’s sometimes hard to focus on many of the very important state races taking place on November 3rd. Keeping control of the Senate is obviously a high priority, and a possible protection going forward if Trump does lose his position as President.
In Iowa, one of the more heated races is happening, with Joni Ernst facing off against Democrat Theresa Greenfield. They had a debate last night, and to put it lightly, things did not go well for Greenfield.
At one point, Ernst absolutely took her head off, leaving her laughing and stammering with no response left to give.
Theresa Greenfield melts down on camera when Joni Ernst shreds her failed business record and failed ‘18 House campaign where her top staffer end up with felony charges #iasen pic.twitter.com/rMezuvk5NP
— Jesse Hunt (@JJHunt10) October 4, 2020
Greenfield apparently has a checkered past, including many sketchy failed business dealings. The stench of corruption culminated in 2018 when her former campaign manager was indicted on felony charges related to election misconduct. Greenfield has provided no good answers for anything that went on.
Ernst has her facts ready and just lays into Greenfield, telling people to go check the internet for the documents as her opponent smiles awkwardly at the camera and tries to feign outrage. It’s a brutal moment even though Ernst handles it with a calmness and grace most can’t.
Of course, Orrin Hatch, being the internet legend that he now is, chimed in with the takedown.
I should’ve loaned Joni’s opponent my LifeAlert button before this debate, she could’ve used it during this exchange.
Can someone see if she’s ok? https://t.co/FxYsttCC0h
— Retired Orrin G. Hatch (@RetiredOrrin) October 4, 2020
Hatch retired too soon, giving way to Mitt Romney, but at least he’s still zinging people on Twitter.
Right now, Greenfield is up +5 in the RCP average, but that includes a +12 major outlier that released this week. I truly hope Iowans are smarter than that. Ernst is a good Senator who deserves to be re-elected. Let’s hope that’s the case.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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