Former Obama Mega Fundraiser Now Backs Trump; Biden 'Has Been Asleep at the Wheel'

Obama Hope and Change. (Credit: Markus Spiske/Unsplash)

As our sister site Townhall reported, Silicon Valley progressive Allison Huynh, who co-created a robotics and AI company that was sold to Google, has decided to change her Obama-loving ways and back Donald Trump in the presidential election over failed incumbent Joe Biden. She believes that Democrats have lost their way, and no place is that more obvious than in the former jewel of California, San Francisco:


“He’s allowed Big Tech as well as the looters to take over Silicon Valley,” she told “Fox & Friends First.”  

“San Francisco has been the science experiment that’s gone awry. I wake up in the morning, there’s no grocery stores to go to, there’s no malls to take my teenage girls shopping to. The streets are not safe, there are more fentanyl users and dealers than high school students in our once great city.”


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It’s quite the turnaround for the 48-year-old Vietnamese immigrant and lifetime Democrat who not only arranged glitzy, high-priced fundraisers for Obama but also collected campaign artwork estimated to be worth millions:

The co-creator of Willow Garage, a company that designed robotics and AI systems that were sold to Google, Huynh helped to raise millions of dollars for Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign. She and her husband at the time, early Google programmer Scott Hassan, helped organize elaborate fundraisers and dinners for tech bigwigs.

“My role was to bring in Silicon Valley people for the $50,000- and $100,000-per-plate dinners,” Huynh said. “[We] brought in [Google co-founders] Sergey [Brin], Larry [Page] and Eric [Schmidt]. Obama was a hopeful candidate who was outside of the system.”

She was so passionate about the left that, in 2005, she and Hassan bought a rocking chair that once belonged to Democratic icon John F. Kennedy for nearly $100,00 [sic] at auction.

In 2008, she acquired the Shepard Fairey mixed-media artwork that the iconic Obama “Hope” posters were based on, paying more than $1 million for the work on canvas.


She’s so disgusted with the Democrats and progressives that she plans on selling all that artwork—including the Obama “Hope” poster. Watch:

Not only is she deeply disappointed with the Dems, but she’s become quite a fan of Donald Trump:

Now, as President Biden’s term draws to a close, Huynh feels that she had been sold a bill of goods. “I think Biden has been out of touch,” she told The Post. “He’s asleep at the wheel…”

“I was surprised when I met Donald Trump,” Huynh, who is working on a Silicon Valley memoir entitled “Beyond Good and Evil,” recalled. “He was light and funny and intelligent. The people there were down-to-earth…

“His rhetoric is entertaining. But the policies and politics make sense. I think Trump is engaging. I would like to hang out with Trump. He’s a really cool guy.”

As I was writing this story, Huynh appeared on Wednesday evening's edition of Fox News' "Jesse Watters Primetime" and explained how it's so bad in San Francisco that she's afraid to go out for her favorite dish:

Well, you have to look at the facts and the reality when you walk the streets of San Francisco, I have three young children and when we go to the theater district to watch, say, The Lion King, Les Miserables, we have to step over homeless people shooting crack. 

You know anyone can come to San Francisco and they can see the same thing. I love my Peking duck, but I'm afraid to go to Chinatown because of the violent crimes against Asians there. 

Am I being delusional? I don't think so. 


I think she speaks for a lot of Americans living in big cities these days.

Granted, Huynh is only one person, and her vote alone is obviously not going to determine the outcome of a presidential election. That being said, when lifelong, committed Democrats are jumping ship, it has to be seen as yet another entry on a long list of problems for Biden’s foundering campaign.


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