
The Left Only Sees Evil When It Fits Their Narrative

Many on the left refuse to acknowledge evil—there can be no more powerful example of this concept than the recent slaughter of innocents by Hamas.

While many leftists are quick to describe the Jan. 6 protests as the height of evil—a “threat to democracy,” they say, although no real threat to our system was actually posed—they remain silent when barbarism is conducted before their very eyes, as militants beheaded babies, massacred hundreds of young people enjoying music, indiscriminately wiped out entire families in a quest… for what, exactly?

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), often accused of antisemitism, ran away when asked by a reporter about the atrocities against the Israeli people, refusing to acknowledge the depravity of the Hamas terrorists who seemed to take a special glee in their murderous spree.

And make no mistake about it, glee and excitement are words that can be used to describe the motivations of the attackers. It’s one thing to fight back when your family and your people are under assault, it’s another to apparently take joy in maiming people and parading their dead, disfigured bodies through the public square. To my mind, much of what we saw unfold in the Hamas assault against Israel represented pure, unadulterated evil.

Many on the left refuse to call it out. I’ve written several articles about the leftist propaganda network MSNBC, whose anchors keep trying to bring “nuance” into the conversation. There is no nuance; the acts we witnessed were inhuman and savage, and to imply that there is any possible justification for them is nothing short of demonic.

ADL Director Blasts MSNBC Live on Air Over Anti-Israel Bias: 'Who's Writing Your Scripts?'

MSNBC Continues to Embarrass Itself With Biased Hamas Coverage, Israeli Mom Claps Back at Andrea Mitchell

Meanwhile, Harvard students and the NYU Law School Student Bar Association Newsletter blame the Israeli people for being slaughtered:

Former Harvard President Larry Summers 'Sickened' by Student Statement Blaming Israel for Hamas Attacks

Black Lives Matter, Chicago of course chimed in, as our Sister Toldjah reported, posting a picture of a terrorist parachuting into what is presumably Israel to merrily annihilate entire families:

Truly sick stuff. The “Squad,” basically Congress’ version of “The “View,” also weighed in with some truly awful takes utterly devoid of basic human compassion and morality. 

This is not a bug with the left—it is a feature. They decry evil when it suits them. White supremacists are the biggest threat to the future of the world! Yet, have you read a story in recent times where white supremacists have conducted anything close to the obscenities we have just seen from Hamas? Donald Trump supporters, the MAGA movement, and the J6 rioters are the height of all evil—yet when did they conduct a systemic campaign of rape, slaughter, and cold-blooded murder? 

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon seems incapable of recognizing evil—he recently declined to invoke the death penalty against a madman who assassinated a Sheriff’s deputy in cold blood. His reasoning? The death penalty wouldn’t bring the victim back to life. What he is completely missing is that throughout history, punishment has not been meted out to bring back murdered victims, it’s been to condemn the guilty and show the rest of the world that depraved acts have consequences and will not be tolerated.

They’re tolerated in California, though. Leslie Van Houten, who committed unspeakable crimes as part of the Manson Family, is free after being paroled in July. She’s walking the streets even after this:

In years of testimony and interviews, Van Houten told authorities that after being taken to the LaBiancas' residence, she held Rosemary LaBianca down as other Manson followers, Patricia Krenwinkel and Charles "Tex" Watson, stabbed her. Van Houten then stabbed the woman more than a dozen times.

In my mind, there are crimes you cannot come back from. In the Harry Potter series, there is the “Unforgivable Curse.” There are acts that should be irredeemable—purposely killing a baby, violently raping someone, committing acts of terror; yet that is no longer the America we live in. Violent felons seem to routinely be let out on our streets, and atrocious acts against innocents seem to regularly fill our newspapers and online feeds, not because we the people are obsessed with gore, but because they’re actually happening.

There is an amazing and long-running documentary series on, of all places, MSNBC called Lockup Raw. The intrepid producers go into the most dangerous prisons in America and film the reality that’s behind bars. I’ve often wanted to sit every liberal I know in front of this show and make them watch a few episodes because it is truly mind-blowing. 

The takeaway—while there are some people who deserve a second chance, there are plenty who are locked up because they’re just plain evil, they enjoy the suffering of others, and they are a menace to society. Watch a few episodes and tell me that the George Soros-backed soft-on-crime district attorneys who are plaguing our nation are correct when they say we need to let all these folks out.

Defund the police? You’ll soon have maniacs at your door—wait, we already do in Los Angeles, New York, and other cities across the fruited plains. Leftists, for reasons I cannot comprehend, endorse mayhem—look at the southern border, which President Joe Biden has assiduously avoided taking control of, look at the Middle East and Central Asia, where his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal has inflamed the already violent region, look to his recent release of $6 billion in frozen funds to Iran, a country our own State Department deems a “state sponsor of terrorism." 

Unfortunately, for reasons we cannot know, mankind is capable of evil. To the left, it’s Putin, it’s Trump and MAGA, it’s white supremacy, and it’s legal gun owners. To be fair, Putin is a danger. But for so much of everything else, they justify, make excuses for, and downplay the true evil on display. President Biden, to his credit, did finally call the Hamas attacks “evil”—days after they occurred.

As long as we continue to accept violence, bloodshed, and disorder in the name of “social justice” and “understanding,” we will be forced to live with it. The reality, however, is that we must take decisive action against those who commit evil, and that appears to be something that many of today’s leftist American leaders don’t have the stomach for.

Here's an example of the darkness that the "Lockup" series exposes:


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