It would appear that Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer’s Wikipedia page has been edited by people unhappy with her edicts, because as of 10:30 pm EST, the entry certainly doesn’t read as if it were approved by the not-medically trained doctor:

It reads, “the far-left public health official and social justice warrior (not a Medical Doctor)…” Ouch! Somebody’s having some fun with the Mask Queen. According to, the entry read quite differently in June:
Barbara Ferrer(born September 30, 1965) is an American health executive, serving as the director of Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.[1][2]
It’s unclear why the birthdays in the two listings are 9 years apart. An internet search revealed that both birthdays were listed on various different websites. Not to be mean, but I’m guessing 1956 is the correct year of birth.
Who is editing Ferrer's wikipedia page? That you, @Morrow_Brett? What's up with Katilin's online presence getting totally scrubbed?
— Julie Hamill (@hamill_law) July 24, 2022
Ferrer has been the talk of the town lately, as RedState’s Jennifer Van Laar last week exposed the fact that Ferrer’s daughter Kaitlin Barnes was a co-author of a study that both the CDC and the LA County Health Department used to justify mask mandates. We also covered her desperate attempts to bring back mask mandates to Los Angeles despite the science indicating they are not necessary at this point in the pandemic, as she herself proved by attending the All-Star game last week without a mask.
In a section titled “Scandal,” the Wikipedia entry tonight reads like a RedState article (but I swear it wasn’t us who edited it!):
In July of 2022, it became known that Ferrer was manipulating Covid-19 hospitalization numbers in an attempt to bring back a mask mandate in Los Angeles County. She was counting all hospitalizations where a patient tested positive as a “Covid Hospitalization” no matter the root cause of hospitalization. It also came to light that a research paper she based her Covid-19 policies on, regarding masking, school closures, lockdown’s [sic] etc. were actually from a paper written by her daughter, who is also NOT a medical doctor. Ferrer also attended the 2022 MLB All Star Game at Dodger Stadium where she was filmed not wearing her mask in a sold out crowd of 65,000 people. Days later she said a mask mandate needed to be reinstated because people have been asked repeatedly to wear masks, but aren’t doing the right thing. She has been labeled a fraud by the news media, and has lost all credibility with the people of Los Angeles. There is currently a call for her removal either by stepping down, or being relieved of her duties. The hashtag #fireferrer has been a recent trend on Twitter. (Emphasis mine.)
Another curious thing about her page is the “awards” section. On June 6, that section didn’t appear; as of now, there is a lengthy list of some 44 awards. Some are theorizing that she or a staff member recently added the section to counter her many critics. A couple of them are hard to believe, like “The Phenomenal Woman” award she apparently received from the YWCA Greater Los Angeles. Is that really a thing? She also allegedly won the “Lark Social Justice Achievement Award” in 2020, which I totally believe, the “Women of Color: Changing the World Award, 2013,” and the “Extra Large Health Department of the Year” in 2019. Hope she has a huge display cabinet.
On May 9, @LACountyBOS is actually awarding @lapublichealth Director Barbara Ferrer, the non-doctor SJW who has closed schools/businesses & masked kids and muzzled society, w/ President's Woman of the Year Award (not a joke)! WTF?! @UprisingLa #FireFerrer
— Houman David Hemmati, MD, PhD (@houmanhemmati) May 2, 2022
While the Wikipedia page is funny, Barbara Ferrer is most certainly not. She has consistently enforced some of the strictest lockdowns and mandates in the country since the advent of COVID, yet California did not perform appreciably better than states like Florida which remained free. The Wikipedia page, whether it has been mischievously edited or not, is actually correct: Ferrer is a “far-left, public health official and social justice warrior (not a Medical Doctor),” and we certainly don’t need her bringing back masks to an already tired, weary city.
UPDATE: The Wikipedia page seems to be changing in real-time. Since I began writing the story, “far-left” has been replaced by “liberal.” Expect the mischievousness to continue.
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