
Elections Have Consequences - How Will the Biden Admin. 'Punish' Voters If Trump Wins?

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Picture this: It is Election Night, and Donald Trump has been declared the next President of the United States. He walks out onto a stage, and his supporters go crazy. Outside, of course, left-wing crazies have sprung into action, beginning a temper tantrum that will last the next four years. For Kamala Harris, the Biden administration, and Democrats in general, it is their worst nightmare. The news cycle for the next two months will be about the Trump transition. Privately, the Biden administration may be enjoying a good bit of schadenfreude, but publicly, someone will have to be punished. That someone may well be the American voter.

Let's remember: what do Democrats do when they lose power? As stated above, they throw temper tantrums. The Biden administration will be no different. They will have a little over two months, from November 6, 2024, to January 20, 2025, to make life even more difficult for Americans in return for their choice at the polls. So, how might they go about sticking it to the American people for having the nerve to vote them out of office? A few things come to mind. 

Consistently, the top issue this election season for all voters is the economy. A majority of registered voters, 52 percent, say it is "extremely important" to their vote, and another 38 percent say it is "very important." Could a sudden uptick in the Russia-Ukraine conflict or tensions in the Middle East produce supply chain issues in shipping areas like the Red Sea and lead to even higher prices at the grocery store? Sure would be a shame if that happened. It has also been Joe Biden's practice to release millions of barrels of oil from the Strategic Oil Reserve just in time for elections. A Trump win might just suddenly put the kibosh on that. Another incidence of "sure would be a shame if that happened."

Another top issue for voters is immigration. The massive influx of illegal immigrants has affected virtually every state in the nation. But it is black communities that are some of those being hit the hardest by the massive wave of illegal immigrants. In a tweet on Wednesday, Donald Trump tweeted out what many people in black communities already know, "...their cities are being used as illegal alien dumping grounds. If Kamala gets 4 more years, the Black Community loses its political power forever because their neighborhoods will all be majority migrant."

If that happens, a lot of jobs in black communities go to illegal immigrants as well. Democrats are already panicked over the possible percentage of the black vote Trump might receive. That panic may just turn into revenge in the form of fast-tracking as many illegal immigrants into the country, as quickly as possible, before Joe Biden's term ends: 

One of the most lopsided plans of the Biden administration has been student loan forgiveness. Roughly 40 percent of Americans say they disapprove of the program that Joe Biden attempted to start as he ran for a second term. The Supreme Court ruled in June of 2023 that the Biden administration did not have the authority to initiate the program. But Joe Biden didn't let a little thing like a Supreme Court decision get in the way of winning an election and proceeded anyway. If Democrats have to endure a Trump win, plan on many more people who didn't take out student loans to be on the hook for those who did.

There are still people in jail for showing up to the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Could some sort of fancy tap-dancing by Joe Biden's Department of Justice ensure that some of those individuals remain in jail indefinitely? That'll teach people what happens when they vote for Donald Trump. 

Then, there is the media. The media can hardly contain their hatred and disdain for the American people, especially Trump supporters now. Imagine their reaction if Election Night is good for Trump and Republicans. At that point, all bets will be off, and open hostility and insults, especially at those stupid hayseeds in flyover country who elected Trump, will become acceptable overnight. Trump's election will confirm for them and their allies their superiority over regular Americans--and the fact that they are just better people and will operate accordingly from there on out. They will never figure out that their industry is dying precisely because of their ridiculous behavior.  

Make no mistake about it: the Biden administration's plan to punish voters if Donald Trump wins is already in progress.  


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