
"Lower Culture With Becca Lower" Podcast, Special Guest: Matt Dawson

You can call him “Twitter’s Pharmacist,” as he is sometimes dubbed on the social media site, for (pardon the pun) dispensing the hilarious stories about his day job as a retail pharmacist. But there’s much more to Matt Dawson than a white coat and a few quips, as Becca and Duke learned on the newest episode of “Lower Culture With Becca Lower.”

Now, it’s possible that readers recognize Matt as the comedic foil for some dude who claims to moonlight as a Mexican wrestler (he’s on an extended hiatus from Soopermexican’s podcast at the moment). But Matt Dawson’s real identity is as a mighty talented visual artist.

He talks to Becca and Duke about his big news recently: his gallery has a new home online — and the proprietor just opened the doors for everyone to take a look-see. The conversation also mixes in the cultural quicks and crazy weather of Matt’s native Louisiana that continue to fascinate the rest of us.

Take a listen to the conversation at the link below, and leave your own thoughts in the comments!


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