RedState readers might know Todd Herman best as a longtime, fill-in host for Rush Limbaugh, then as an Excellence In Broadcasting (EIB) guide-host after El Rushbo left us earlier this year. But he’s much more than someone else’s substitute, as Becca and show sideman Duke learn pretty quickly in this brand-new “Lower Culture With Becca Lower” podcast episode!

The thing is, Todd’s also the morning host at the KTTH radio station in Seattle and a journalist — so he’s no stranger to crafting compelling stories that help readers and listeners see the world in new and exciting ways. Here, he dishes out his understanding of “God’s Signature” on our everyday lives: whether that’s in the worlds of CrossFit, music, human brain development, or other things we might normally think are unrelated. You’ll be blessed by it, we reckon — and charmed by his not-all-that-serious tone, too!
Take a listen to the conversation, and feel free add your thoughts in the comments section below!