How are you feeling about superheroes? Or patriotism? Or America?
Actor Dean Cain shared his thoughts on those during Monday’s episode of Fox & Friends.
As reported by Bounding Into Comics, Captain America recently waxed on the American dream — just in time for Independence Day.
In United States of Captain America Volume 1, Cap characterized the country:
“Here’s the thing about a dream, though. A dream isn’t real. When we wake up, it goes away. And we’re left with this yearning inside. Like something was taken from us.”
He broke it down:
“[L]ately, spending my days in this country, as the years march on by — I’m starting to think America actually has two dreams. And one lie.”
“The first American Dream,” the Captain observed, “is the one that isn’t real. It’s the one some people expect to just be handed to them, and then get angry when it disappears, when the truth is, it never really existed in the first place.”
Beware nationalism — evidently, it’s anti-immigration. And stop opposing those who suffer:
“This is the white picket fence fallacy that, if we’re not careful, becomes nationalism. Jingoism. That dream isn’t real. It never was. Because that dream doesn’t get along nicely with reality. Other cultures. Immigrants. The poor. The suffering. People easily come to be seen as ‘different’ or ‘un-American.’ The white picket fence becomes a gate to keep others out.”
Some promises are empty:
“The lie is a real problem, because it comes in the form of an empty promise. A while back, we told the world they could come here for a better life. But too often we turn our backs on them. Instead of a dream, they get handed a raw deal.”
It was quite a departure from the Captain America of old — who was, I’m assuming, named “Captain America” precisely due to old ideas.
So what does Superman — AKA Lois & Clark star Dean — think about it all?
The hero doesn’t think it’s super.
“I love the concept of Captain America,” he told Fox, “but I am so tired of this wokeness and anti-Americanism.”
“In my opinion, America is the greatest country in history. It’s not perfect. We are constantly striving for a more perfect union…but I believe she’s the most fair, equitable country ever, with more opportunity that anyone’s ever seen, and that’s why people are clamoring to get here from all over the globe.”
“Do these people ever travel outside of America?” Dean asked. “Do they go to other countries where they have to deal with governments who aren’t anywhere near as fair as the United States? I don’t think they do.”
It’s an interesting question — some Americans lambaste “one-percenters,” not realizing they themselves are one-percenters compared to everywhere else.
That notion won’t likely see a comics page soon; culture’s currently in a state of deconstruction.
And heroes are accomplishing social change.
As I covered in March, Marvel Comics introduced a new and gay Captain America.
Marvel promoted pride:
Marvel Comics is proud to honor Pride Month with the rise of this new LGBTQ+ hero.
Writer Joshua Trujillo invoked inspiration:
“[The character of Aaron Fischer] is inspired by heroes of the queer community: activists, leaders, and everyday folks pushing for a better life. He stands for the oppressed, and the forgotten. I hope his debut story resonates with readers and helps inspire the next generation of heroes.”
Marvel Comics' new Captain America is an openly gay teen and he'll make his debut this June to commemorate Pride Month.
— Screen Rant (@screenrant) March 15, 2021
In March of 2020, Marvel made major moves with superheroes such as “Snowflake” and “Safespace.”
From the official descriptors:
Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens.
Safespace is a big, burly, sort of stereotypical jock.
It’s a dynamic duo:
Snowflake is the person who has the more offensive power, and Safespace is the person who has the more defensive power. The idea is that they would mirror each other and complement each other.
Of which American dream is all of that part?
It must be the one that isn’t a lie.
Hopefully, going forward, we can see lies for what they are. And pursue the right dream, together.
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