DC Comics is living up to its name.
Here’s a treat for all you comic book fans: If you’ve wondered when you’d finally see young congressional female Democrats preserved in brightly colored ink, your time has come.
As reported by The Daily Wire, DCC is releasing a graphic novel in celebration of the “Wonder Women of History.”
The book will feature 17 “real world heroes” for you and your kids to enjoy.
Among them: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
That’s right — the bartender who snatched a seat in the House amid a New York upset and nearly immediately proposed ending air travel and rebuilding every structure in America as we wage war on cow farts is being hailed for the Wonder that she is.
It’s not AOC’s first time to battle villains cartoon-style: Based on her tweeted reply to former Independent Sen. Joe Liebermann after he outwardly hoped she isn’t the future of the Dem party, Issue #1 — “New Party, Who Dis?” — of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and the Freshman Force hit the streets back in early 2019:
New party, who dis? https://t.co/2cznisv8tB
— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 11, 2019
At the time, RedState’s Brad Slager wasn’t particularly impressed:
There is little to no chance of this comic becoming an influence in any fashion. So in that way, it serves as a perfect representation of its beloved subject matter.
Also not a fan of the Force: DC Comics.
As I covered in May of last year, the comic book giant issued a cease-and-desist letter to publisher Devil’s Due Comics over the drawn Ocasio-Cortez’s likeness to DC property Wonder Woman.
@ThePullbox Previews: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And The Freshman Force https://t.co/heV1K84Utp @DevilsDue @Greg_ThePullbox pic.twitter.com/jH6opvjTtV
— Eric (@Eric_Thepullbox) March 1, 2019
From Comicbook.com:
The print run was already going to be small at 250 copies, but once DC sent their cease-and-desist notice that will now even be smaller, as DC requested the covers not be distributed, but recalled, returned, or destroyed.
Yet, now it seems the book group that brought you Superman and Batman have decided she is a wonder woman after all.
Among the other 16 Ladies of Wonder: Serena Williams, Beyonce, comedienne Tig Notaro, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, and everyone’s favorite caped crusader, Sen. Elizabeth Warren.
If, by featuring left-wing federal faces DC’s trying to get more woke with their offerings, I’d say they’ve got a ways to go. After all, in earlier this year, chief competitor Marvel Comics released a gaggle of revolutionary good-guys including The Psychic Twins, otherwise known as Safespace and Snowflake.
From my March 27th article:
Safespace can create pink forcefields, but he can’t enter them himself — they only work at protecting others.
As for Snowflake,
he’sshe’sthey’s… Actually, I’ll just let Marvel explain it:Snowflake is non-binary and goes by they/them, and has the power to generate individual crystalized snowflake-shaped shurikens.
Courtesy of Wikipedia:
A shuriken (Japanese: 手裏剣; literally: “hidden hand blade”) is a Japanese concealed weapon that was used as a hidden dagger or metsubushi to distract or misdirect.
More from the Marv:
The connotations of the word “snowflake” in our culture right now are something fragile, and this is a character who is turning it into something sharp.
Well, that’s also the denotation of the word.
Moving on, if you were wondering whether the twins are psychically connected:
“All twins are psychic, but we’re psychic-er.”
So there ya go, DC. That’s the bar.
Now do your best to work Wonders.
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Find all my RedState work here.
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