When I was a kid, I watched cartoons. I thought all the grownup shows — like the national news — was a bunch of boring, serious stuff.
I had no idea I’d one day discover that much of the adult media — particularly related to politics — was as daffy as anything on Bugs Bunny.
In short, these days, the news is filled with ridiculousness that can’t be taken seriously.
Example: On Friday afternoon, MSNBC eschewed discussion of political principles, debate of economic ideology, and stuff like…adherence to reality…in order to talk up the removal of President Trump due to his aberrant mental state — likely enhanced by Alzheimer’s.
Yes — it was that punishingly dumb.
Host Nicolle Wallace offered the following:
“He attacked a man who turned out to be one of his own supporters. I don’t know where there are many schools in America you can bully somebody like that and not get suspended.”
To what was she referring? According to The Washington Free Beacon, it was this:
[A] supporter…was removed from a Trump rally after the President made fun of his weight. Afterward, the supporter said Trump had nothing to apologize for and that “he’s the best thing that ever happened to this country.
Nicolle continued, bringing into the goofiness a chronic neurodegenerative disease:
“[Trump] repeated points he had already made earlier in the evening as if he did not remember already making them. David Brooks reported in 2017 that a bunch of Republicans came out of a meeting where Donald Trump explained some signs that were similar to the early stages of Alzheimer’s.”
“[I]n and out of the rooms, people — either disparagingly or affectionately — are saying at an increased clip: He’s crazy.”
An “increased clip”: Have you noticed that it’s always worsening? And not only that, it’s worse than people could’ve imagined.
That’s especially something I don’t understand that rings out from the far Left–
Around the time of the 2016 election, extremists made the most absurd claims — I have to believe — in the history of American politics: If Trump was elected, black people would hang on the White House lawn; American citizens would be rounded up and placed into concentration camps; jackbooted thugs would murder all those in Trump’s way to planetary Dr. Evil-style megalomaniac rule. It was nothing short of mental insanity.
But he won, and nothing happened. Yet, some of those prophets now claim it’s worse than they could’ve ever imagined.
That reminds me of my article, “The 10 Stages Of Genocide: A Social Media Marvel Provides A Window Into America’s Growing Mental Disorder.” Please check it out if you haven’t already.
Back to MSNBC, here’s what panelist and former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance had to say:
“You know, there’s pervasive reporting in this regard and if it was grandpa, you would probably take him to see a neurologist or someone who specializes in geriatric medicine. That hasn’t happened here that we know of. The remedy is the 25th Amendment and that requires an intact cabinet, which Trump does not have. Whether by design or by accident, most of the cabinet is acting. We don’t know what the mix would look like in a vote, and there’s no will to take that on in any event.”
Nicolle was down. And down about it:
“There’s no will to fill a cabinet with the kind of appointees that would have that power. I would posit that there’s not a lot of will to have this conversation, but when it shows up in black and white in the hard copy print of The New York Times it’s impossible for me to ignore it. You’ve now got the White House beat reporters including in their stories about the rally, it says the man repeated himself as though he didn’t know he’d already made those points.”
Al Sharpton joined in:
“You’re talking about a man yesterday that at one point in his speech was attacking Hillary Clinton, which was two-and-a-half years ago, kept repeating himself, attacks an overweight supporter of his that he didn’t know was there supporting him. We’ve been hearing over and over again he’s losing it, and I think what is driving this even more, Nicolle, is that with the economy appearing to be headed at least downward, if not a recession—what you have in England and other problems in Europe—it drives him even further into whatever cloudy area he is in mentally and he’s becoming desperate because the race card he used the last couple of weeks is not working.”
Hankering for something more serious? Here ya go:
Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Burger King Employees Get What’s Comin’ To ‘Em After Drawing A Pig On A Cop’s Sandwich Wrapper
At Playboy, #TimesUp: The Woke Rabbit’s New Man In Charge Is A Gay Millennial
Find all my RedState work here.
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