In life, a traditional bit of good advice is, “Don’t act like an idiot.”
To be fair, everybody acts like an idiot; we just can’t help ourselves. The planet’s crawlin’ with over 7 billion idiots.
But there’s a level of idiocy that transcends the norm — the physical acting out of being an idiot: the idiot who gets mad and peels out in their vehicle to express attitude, inadvertently crashing it; the idiot who throws punches at the Walmart cashier because they’re having a bad day. Or — to use a real-life example I’ve covered — the Dollar General customer who stabs a fellow patron because he points out that she farted (please see here).
In October, Jordan Hunt became one such exceptional idiot when he roundhouse-kicked peacefully-demonstrating Marie-Claire Bissonnette…like a huge idiot.
Ladies and gentlemen:
It would be a shame if everyone Retweeted this and exposed the identity of this tolerant leftist. 🤦♂️pic.twitter.com/Yn7qzbyNYI
— DR. ETIQUETTE 🤦♂️ (@DrEtiquette) October 3, 2018
Marie’s had a hard time as a pro-life advocate:
“I’ve had teenage boys throw rocks at me, I’ve also had men saying, ‘How would you like it if I raped you?”
And Jordan’s had a hard time not being a…well, here he is again, attacking someone and trying to take their sign, while — it appears — nearly pushing them into traffic (language warning):
As for his inclination toward tyrannical taekwondo, the woman-abusing, violent hairdresser got fired from his job after the stunt.
His name is Jordan Hunt and he was not only fired, but also owned in the most epic way by his own former employer, Noble Studio 101 pic.twitter.com/rKFxH6Mo5A
— Harry Khachatrian (@Harry1T6) October 3, 2018
Additionally, the goob was hit with eight counts of assault and seven counts of mischief.
From Newsweek:
The police statement also alleged that Hunt was involved in a similar incident in August. While riding on a bicycle, Hunt allegedly approached a group of activists in Toronto and tried to take away one of their signs. When the protestors fought back, Hunt pushed one of the women into a pole. He then fled the scene.
Police have charged Hunt with one count of assault for his actions in August—bringing the total assault charge count to nine. The September incident took place near High Park-Swansea. The August incident took place at the intersection of Dufferin St and Dundas St West.
Speaking to the Toronto Sun last week, 27-year-old Bissonnette said she did not see the physical attack coming. “He kicked me in the shoulder, my phone went flying,” Bissonnette said. “I start shouting for someone to call police and before he runs away, he goes up to me and I had a ribbon on my jacket indicating [I was] the leader, he tore it off my chest.”
Well, now a judgement’s been meted. For his intolerance of opposing views — otherwise known as “bigotry” (see more from the Left here) — Jordan’s been sentenced to 8 months probation and ordered to stay 100 meters (roughly 330 feet) from pro-lifers. The restraining order seems like a good idea.
From LifeSite:
Hunt, 27…apologized to “everyone I hurt by my actions” in an undated letter which Justice Michael Block read out to the court.
“Everyone should have the right to be without fear when they act on their beliefs. I sincerely regret that I chose such a poor way of expressing myself,” wrote Hunt.
“My behavior was foolish and unacceptable, and I wish to apologize to the people I hurt. I want them to know that I learned a lot since these incidents. This behavior will not be repeated and I am truly remorseful for my actions.”
[Justice Block] ordered Hunt to make restitution within 30 days through his probation officer for damages he caused at the Life Chain: $50 to one victim to replace a jacket he defaced, and $150 to Campaign Life Coalition for a sign he destroyed.
Block further granted Crown attorney Nathan Kruger’s request that Hunt submit a sample of his DNA, given that he assaulted pro-life advocates on two separate occasions and fled the scene both times.
So there ya go.
Is this a satisfying end? Please let us all know in the Comments section.
Hopefully, thus ends hairdressing left-winger Jordan Hunt’s days of being a toxically masculine bigot.
Maybe from now on, he’ll take the advice of Dwayne Johnson (here).
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
South Carolina Woman Gets Pulled Over For Driving Drunk – In A Bad*** Toy Mini-Truck
Washington DC’s Inclusive ‘Dyke March’ Bans The Star Of David But Allows Palestinian Flags
Find all my RedState work here.
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