Ben & Jerry's Doubles Down on Women's March, Despite Anti-Semitism



Aah, the good ol’ days — when you could buy batteries without giving your phone number and eat ice cream without knowing that its makers were radical left-wing activists.


Such simpler times.

2018 just got a little more complicated: Ben & Jerry’s is doubling down on their support for the Women’s March, even as its connection to ant-Semitism grows stronger.

On Monday, a new report further indicated anti-Semitic ties among the March’s leadership. As alleged by Tablet magazine, during the initial meeting between Women’s March founders Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, anti-Semitic sentiments were discussed:

According to several sources, it was there—in the first hours of the first meeting for what would become the Women’s March—that something happened that was so shameful to many of those who witnessed it, they chose to bury it like a family secret. Almost two years would pass before anyone present would speak about it.

It was there that, as the women were opening up about their backgrounds and personal investments in creating a resistance movement to Trump, Perez and Mallory allegedly first asserted that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people—and even, according to a close secondhand source, claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade. These are canards popularized by The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, a book published by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam—“the bible of the new anti-Semitism,” according to Henry Louis Gates Jr., who noted in 1992: “Among significant sectors of the black community, this brief has become a credo of a new philosophy of black self-affirmation.”


As for a connection between Mallory & Perez & ironic pro-Shariah, pro-women (?) Linda Sarsour to Farrakhan, they ain’t just whistlin’ Dixie — see here, here, here, and here.

So where does that leave Ben & Jerry’s? They’re big supporters of the March as well as anything else anti-Trump — just a little over a month ago, they released new flavor “Pecan Resist,” described thusly on the company’s website:

[It is] a campaign to lick injustice and champion those fighting to create a more just and equitable nation for us all. To lift up those who are leading the resistance to the current administration’s regressive agenda, Ben & Jerry’s is introducing Pecan Resist, a Limited Batch ice cream flavor celebrating the activists who are continuing to resist oppression, harmful environmental practices and injustice.

Pecan Resist will highlight four groups and movements focused on freedom, belonging, community, and justice. Color Of Change designs campaigns powerful enough to end practices that unfairly hold Black people back, and champions solutions that move everyone forward. Honor the Earth works on issues of climate change, renewable energy, and environmental justice with Indigenous communities. Women’s March is committed to harnessing the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change. Neta is one of the fastest-growing independent media platforms led by people of color along the Texas-Mexico border. Ben & Jerry’s is donating $25,000 to each organization and encouraging its fans to sign up, learn more and engage with each group at


Well there ya go.

The Daily Caller reached out to B&J — whose founders were both raised Jewish — and they received the following from company spokeswoman Laura Peterson:

“The Women’s March was the largest single-day protest ever in the history of the United States. The march drew much-needed attention to the issues we must address so that all women are treated with dignity and respect, especially by our elected leaders.”

Is that what it was about? I thought it was about pro-choice activism and angry, Trump-hating, Republican-bashing pink-hatted posturing on behalf of the Democratic Party. Am I thinking of the right rally?

“More than five million people from all walks of life participated in marches in Washington, D.C., around the country, and across the world. We believe deeply that large, grassroots movements like the Women’s March are critical to supporting, defending, and advancing social justice within our society. We always have and always will stand firmly against discrimination and oppression of any kind.”

What about the oppression of women (or men, for that matter) who voted for Trump? Their ice cream is called Resist. That sounds like a declaration of war against anyone who didn’t vote for Hillary or Bernie.


And they’re advancing social justice? It sounds as though, if there are anti-Semitic elements within the March, the social justice victory of…actually, I just realized — I have no idea what exactly social justice aims to accomplish. So let’s just say, the social justice victory of left-wing division and meaninglessness…is worth the anti-Jewish trade-off.

Not everyone’s a Ben & Jerry — actresses Alyssa Milano and Debra Messing have both struck at the Women’s March due to its anti-Semitic association (here).

We’ll see if B&J continues to stick to its frozen guns.

For now, if you’re in the market for some ice cream, and if anti-Semitism — or just plain craziness — turns you off, maybe skip the Frozen Foods section and head to Chick-fil-A — their milkshakes are delicious. And their semitism is quite palatable, too.


Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, herehere, and here.

See 3 more pieces from me: pro-life wins, Democratic losses, and waxing gross things.

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