Hillary Clinton has frantically been trying to step up her Twitter game now that she’s really in the fight against Donald Trump and the results are – how can I put this kindly? – humiliatingly terrible. Today, she really set a new bar when she posted a Tweet that is so utterly lacking in self-awareness I had to think of a new word for her: self-ignoramus.
See, I can only assume she is totally unaware of herself as a person. Because this is just … preposterous.
If the FBI is watching you for suspected terrorist links, you shouldn’t be able to just go buy a gun with no questions asked.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 13, 2016
Hillary. Friend. You are under investigation by the FBI. How much more important is the presidency than a gun license? People in glass houses shouldn’t throw other people’s due process rights in the trash.
The Instapundit, Glenn Reynolds, had the perfect reply. Succinct.
Yeah, anyone under FBI investigation is super sketchy. https://t.co/zqMHkdpODm
— Instapundit.com (@instapundit) June 13, 2016
Hillary has been trying to do two things on Twitter: She’s trying be witty, sharp, and hip, and she’s trying to be dramatic, meaningful, and eloquent. Neither one is working out for her. From her lame and equally self-ignorant “delete” Tweet to this one, she really just doesn’t have a handle on the medium … or any cognizance of how the things she said can be turned back against her.
Or to put it in the parlance to which you pretend fluency, dear Hillary: Politicians be cray, fam.
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