Biden Messes Up HBCUs and Tells Another Tall Tale During Confused Remarks

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden was trying to appeal to the black vote on Friday, delivering remarks at the National Museum of African American History and Culture and speaking at an event later in the day about black fraternities and sororities. One reason for that is that he's hemorrhaging black voter support, while former President Donald Trump is gaining with black voters. 


You know what happens when Biden panders to an audience: Strange things and weird claims are bound to follow. 

First, there was Joe Biden's claim that he was a lifetime member of the NAACP.  

Chances this is true? Zero to none. Add another line into his never-ending, always-evolving origin story about the incredible Joe Biden, who claims to be all things to all people but is really nothing for anyone. 

Just a reminder, this is Joe Biden, who has a history of racist comments — who said in the 1970s that he didn't want his kids to grow up in a "racial jungle." 

This is also the Joe Biden who previously lied about the NAACP, saying they had endorsed him every time he'd run when they don't endorse candidates and issued a statement after his remark.

The confusion quickly set in for Biden. How much was he talking about raising here? "400 million billion!!" 

Million? Billion? Heck, Joe doesn't know, he just says anything, whether it makes sense or is based in reality or not. 


Biden also bragged about defying the Supreme Court again when it came to debt relief and, even in doing that, seemed to get confused, calling what he did the "most supreme ever." 

How disgusting that is — and talk about defying norms. No, Joe, the Supreme Court is "supreme" in its decision, not you. 

Then maybe if you're trying to appeal to the audience, it's not a good idea to screw up the name of the HBCU that you're talking about, in this case, Morehouse. 

Unfortunately, Joe's issues are not a joke. 

In the next breath, he was slurring so much that he couldn't even say "HBCU" appropriately. What the heck is he even saying here? 

"This investment's helped HBGs use everything from build student housing," Biden said, squinting intently at the teleprompter." "HBGs?" What the heck is that? Then the rest of it didn't make much sense either. 

But that's where we are with Joe Biden at this point — he has no idea what he's saying at any given point. What would he do without the teleprompter? Heck, he can't even get it straight with one. 


Meanwhile, he talks about ad-libbing but getting in "trouble" for keeping the audience longer. 

Who are the folks behind the scenes who are allowing this to go on, who supposedly are going to chastise him for ad-libbing and going on longer? And why isn't the allegedly most powerful man in the free world in charge? 


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