[Listen] A CIA Director Demanding Congress Impeach is Pretty Soviet, CNN Hot Takes, and U.S.S. McCain Fake News

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John Brennan decided to weigh in on the Mueller statement and encouraged Congress to move forward with the impeachment of President Trump, nothing seems more soviet than a former CIA director issuing orders to Congress to go after the man who is investigating whether you abused your position to spy on political enemies. CNN had two interesting hot takes in the last day, first with CNN host Alisyn Camerato advocating for the murder of disabled children and Chris Cuomo gets caught not paying attention to what he’s ridiculing on Twitter when he makes a snarky comment on an NRATV tweet, which he obviously didn’t watch because he ended up ridiculing a rape survivor and is attempting to back peddle, you can read Sister Toldjah’s wonderful coverage of the blowback here. 


An obvious fake news story was released in the Wall Street Journal claiming that the White House demanded that the U.S.S. John McCain be moved and covered up during President Trump’s visit to Japan. To anyone who regularly sees the media lying this one was a no-brainer on how obviously fake it was, and the majority of people made comments about how they would wait for the retraction before commenting, that is except for one person, and I can’t be silent and not call this out. Ben Shapiro did that thing that makes me really not like Ben Shapiro, he took the opportunity to bash Trump, while pretending to be balanced. Shapiro left himself an out by stating “if true, this is disgusting” but anyone with a brain knew this story was not true, knew this story had all the makings of standard fake news. Ben really wanted the excuse to spit venom about Trump without any of the responsibility of being held to the statements he would make, and I’m not going to be silent when I see this happen.



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