Democrats Will Declare a Crisis at The Border

Promoted from the diaries by streiff. Promotion does not imply endorsement.

America watched the latest battle between President Trump and Congressional Democrats unfold and resulting in a ridiculous spending bill, that I must remind everyone was the best Congressional Republicans could apparently come up with, and Trump declaring a national emergency at the border that is already being challenged in federal court. I don’t agree with the bill that Trump signed, but I’m also not someone who just takes what the media tells me and makes that my opinion, I’m infuriated at the GOP’s lack of spine in these negotiations, and their obsession with optics from a media that already hates them. I’m not shilling for Trump in any way, but I place responsibility on Congress, one for not agreeing to budget which is why we have these continuing resolutions, and two, for nodding their heads to this disastrous bill and thinking they accomplished something good.


This isn’t entirely bad if you think about it though, because optics do matter, and there are some talking points that the Democrats will not give up. I want to give everyone some insight into what a few months from now are going to look like among the media landscape, and how the Democrats have shot their future arguments in the foot. As annoyed as everyone is about the spending bill, and some, with the emergency declaration, this is going to be a lot of fun.

A few months from now Trump’s emergency declaration will still not have cleared the courts, and as many border hawks have stated there has basically been a golden ticket given to human traffickers to snatch up children and drag them on a perilous journey to gain unstopped entrance into the United States. There will be a caravan heading to the United States, and they will have their “golden ticket” children with them to ensure entry. There will still be detentions at the border, and separation of children based on decades old existing laws, and that’s where the fun will begin.

The Democrats will seize on these separations and scream at the sky claiming Trump is “ripping children from the arms of their mothers!” and some of them may even accidentally use the term “crisis”. Let me ask you, how does the Democrat party claim that there is a crisis at the border in which they claimed there was no crisis? This is going to happen, mark my words, and we need to remind them that they said there was no crisis at the border. Heading in to 2020 we need to be prepared to show America how quickly Democrats change their minds when it is politically expedient.


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