We all knew Al Sharpton was a race hustler. We all knew he was the worst kind of ideologue and race-baiter. We all knew he had built his brand on inventing racial grievances, starting with Tawana Brawley. Now, today, on X, we learn that Al Sharpton is also laughably, abysmally ignorant of basic American history.
Al Sharpton Asks: Can you imagine if James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government?
— KanekoaTheGreat (@KanekoaTheGreat) February 16, 2025
The "Reverend" (what the heck is he supposedly reverend of, anyway?) Al Sharpton says:
One day, our children's children will read American history, and can you imagine our reading that James Madison or Thomas Jefferson tried to overthrow the government? So they could stay in power? That's what we're looking at, we're looking at American history.
Uh, "Reverend" Sharpton, a couple of things:
First, I'm not sure what American history you're reading, but I've been a student of American history since I was quite young. My father could have taught a college-level history class on the American Revolution. I have two ancestors who both signed the Declaration of Independence and fought in the Continental Army. My wife has one ancestor who also signed the Declaration. I think I know a thing or two about American history, and "Reverend," James Madison and Thomas Jefferson did try to overthrow the government of their day, and what's more, they succeeded and set up these United States, resulting in you having the right of free speech so you can say stupid things like this.
Second, President Trump - I'm sure that's who you are talking about here - did not try to overthrow the government, no matter how many times you repeat that utter horse squeeze, it will still be false.
But then, Al Sharpton has never been known to let facts stand in the way of a good unhinged rant.
See Related: How to Hurt Your Business: Have Rev. Al Sharpton Show Up, As Costco May Be About to Find Out the Hard Way
Replies on X were, shall we say, spirited.
Al, … they literally did. It was called the American Revolution.
— MAG🔫1775🇺🇸 (@Mar50cC5O) February 16, 2025
Madison, Jefferson, and the rest of the Founding Fathers didn’t just "overthrow" a government, they built a new one, based on freedom, limited government, and the Constitution.
If they were alive today, they’d be…
Is there anybody with a brain in the Democrat Party? Just one person. pic.twitter.com/B6msh2aSku
— Savannah (@BasedSavannah) February 16, 2025
Although, this may well be the best one.
Thomas Jefferson along with 55 other men committed treason by signing the Declaration of Independence from the British Government. So Yes, I can 100% see Thomas Jefferson overthrowing a government.
— Lisa Steves (@theLisaSteves) February 16, 2025
It's hard to believe that even the most leftist network would have the hustler Sharpton on when he makes laughably ignorant comments like this. It's hard to believe that he wasn't frozen out of even the leftist legacy media (but I repeat myself) after the Tawana Brawley fraud - in 1987. It's hard to believe that even the most committed, race-baiting, leftist ideologue wouldn't be humiliated enough by a statement like this to just say, "Please, Al, sit down and be quiet. You're embarrassing us."
But then, if he did, there would be one less leftist groaner to point and laugh at on a Sunday afternoon, and that's not nothing.
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