WATCH: Joe Biden Speaks at PA Union Event - and It's a Medley of His Greatest Hits!

AP Photo/Mark Schiefelbein

Why do they keep letting Joe Biden off the leash? Honestly, the best thing Democrats could do with poor old Joe at this point is to just put him in his lounge chair on Rehoboth Beach in Delaware, and let him stay there. Every time they let him speak, he lapses back into the same, few party tricks he's been using for at least a year now.


The latest display of Joe Biden's Greatest Hits was during a speech to union workers in swing-state Pennsylvania, in which Joe dealt the union workers an unwitting, future Trump campaign ad.

As the old saying goes, here are some highlights!

The return of the Scream:

Sign of advanced dementia 1: Sudden and unfounded anger. Joe's been doing this for some time now, and I've gotta say, it has to be a little baffling to the folks in the viewing audience.

The Creepy Whisper:

Sign of advanced dementia 2: Both trouble with word-finding and maintaining appropriate pitch. The sad thing here is how it comes on the heels of the sudden shouting. This is a guy who not only has very little idea of what's going on around him, but also has trouble speaking in an even tone.

"Kamala and I - Uh, Kamala":


Sign of advanced dementia 3: Disoriented in time and space. Examples of this abound; he has referred to Kamala Harris as the president in the past, and now he doesn't seem to completely understand that he's not going to be president much longer (for which we should all be abundantly grateful), nor that she's unlikely to become president, either - but then, he can hardly admit that in a campaign speech.

And finally, Under The Bus She Goes:

Sign of advanced dementia 4: Lack of short-term memory. Kamala Harris has been on the trail almost since her nomination anointing as the Democratic candidate, trying to dissociate herself and her campaign from Joe Biden. It's not working, and it can't work when Joe Biden is (purposely? accidentally?) giving her so much credit for how she's been marching lockstep with old Joe all along - a fine way to show his gratitude for her helping to cover up his deterioration.

See Related: Latest Info on Biden Exposes Just How Long Kamala Has Been Covering for Him

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It's a little baffling, why they would trot out old Joe at this point, and in a swing state at that. Barack Obama hasn't been able to move Kamala's poll numbers. (Michelle Obama hasn't, either.) Bruce Springsteen and Beyonce couldn't do it. Joe can only hurt her campaign, with the unavoidable association she has with the worst president in the history of the republic, an association with a man whose dementia has become so sadly obvious. 

But there's this: They may well be at the point where they are figuring, what the hell, it can't hurt, and maybe it's time to just throw everything they have at the wall and see what sticks.

Joe Biden, though, isn't sticking to anything. Maybe they should have tried Hunter. He might have...

...You know what, I'm just going to stop right there.


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