
'Transfixed': Riley Gaines Premieres New Mini-Series Detailing Manipulation of 'Transgender' Kids

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

To anyone who is bemoaning the lack of positive role models for young women in these unsettled times, I have a great answer for them: Riley Gaines.

Riley is best known for her advocacy for girls and women in sports; specifically, she is known for maintaining that only girls and women should have a place in girls' and women's sports. That this is even an argument speaks volumes to some of the screwball ideas that are being claimed as mainstream these days, but that's the reality we have to deal with. Riley Gaines, who launched herself into this issue after being forced to compete against and share a locker room with Lia Thomas - a man claiming to be a woman - is fighting back.

To that end, Riley is launching "Transfixed," a four-part series on Fox Nation that is exploring, among other things, the stories of people who transitioned as children, who were manipulated and coerced into those treatments and are now regretting the decision. 

Riley is calling this medical fraud. She makes a good case for it.

Riley Gaines emerged as a central figure in the fight to preserve the hard-fought progress of women's sports after drawing attention to fairness in an age where including transgender athletes remains hotly-contested.

Now the former NCAA swimmer is emphasizing a more detrimental side effect of the gender-affirming care epidemic.

"Female athletes are not the biggest victims in this story. It's the children who've had their bodies mutilated," Gaines said, previewing the new Fox Nation special, "Transfixed."

In the special, available for streaming on the platform Thursday, Gaines spoke to Prisha Mosley, a detransitioner whose female-to-male journey began at age 16 and came to a surprising halt just a couple of years ago.

It's a powerful discussion. Prisha Mosley says she was manipulated by people who were posing as counselors but who were advocates. Her journey through this process is heartbreaking:

"There's no way to replace the body parts I lost," Mosley lamented, reflecting on the surgical treatment she received after being told she was a boy.

Mosley, who was born a female, began taking male hormones and had her breasts removed at age 18, leaving scars across her chest.

Though hormonal interventions typically render patients infertile, Mosley became an exception after giving birth to a baby boy via C-section earlier this year.

The effects of her gender-affirming care, however, made her hips too narrow to deliver the baby naturally, made her insulin level high and atrophied her uterus, bladder and vagina, according to a report.

Watch the full conversation Riley had with Prisha Mosely, below:

What Prisha Mosley went through should never have happened. The most basic medical ethics proscribe these kinds of treatments and procedures; "first, do no harm" is still a standard, and administering cross-sex hormones and performing surgeries to remove or alter healthy tissue are certainly doing harm. And Mosley was pressured into this decision, her parents were pressured into allowing it, by gender ideology movement activists. Adults are one thing, presumably able to make their own decisions and give informed consent; but Mosley was 16, too young to buy a beer, too young to vote, and too young to sign a contract.

This should not have happened. It should not be happening, and yet it is, across the country, and the Democratic Party, it must be noted, is by and large in favor of it. Why this hasn't yet been a primary topic for discussion in the 2024 presidential election is beyond me.

What is particularly horrifying, in the interview, is Prisha Mosley's description of the verbal abuse and threats she suffered once she decided to "de-transition." She has been forced to install security video cameras; she has been the subject of verbal and online abuse, including being told, inexplicably, that she has "children's blood on her hands."

See Related: It's Official: Lia Thomas Not Allowed to Compete in International Women's Swimming 

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Minors are still being encouraged and manipulated into believing they can change sex. They are being encouraged and manipulated into damaging and harmful therapies for which they are intellectually and emotionally incapable of giving informed consent. This has to stop, and Riley Gaines is using her platform to spread the word. Good for her.

Riley Gaines shows here that she is a teller of truth, a tireless champion of fairness in athletics, who is possessed of great courage and great determination to see an and to an abusive and harmful practice. And, for that matter, Prisha Mosley is showing some pretty solid courage and determination herself, in dealing with the consequences of a bad decision she was coerced into making.


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