UPDATE: The Mayor of Aurora, CO Speaks on Apartment Building Takeovers by Armed Gangs

AP Photo/Luis Romero

On Thursday, I wrote about the takeover of apartment buildings by criminal gangs in Aurora, Colorado. Later on Thursday, Mike Coffman, the mayor of Colorado, spoke out on the subject — and still, nothing has been done to remove these people.


An Aurora city council member also spoke out.

Now, regarding Aurora's Mayor: I know Mike Coffman. He is not part of the modern blue Colorado machine; he has been in Colorado politics as a Republican for many years. When I was a GOP precinct captain in Aurora, Mike was our state representative. Back then I had occasion to speak with Mike many times and always came away with the impression that he was a pretty solid guy. Like my wife and I, Mike was a Desert Storm veteran. He did a stint as state treasurer, as secretary of state, and served five terms in the House of Representatives until redistricting forced him out. Back when Colorado was still a purple state, a lot of people harbored notions that Mike would one day be Governor — but that won't happen now.


In the interview linked above, Mayor Coffman said that there are three buildings involved, all owned by out-of-state landlords, that have been taken over. He mentions ongoing investigations as to why there is "a concentration" of Venezuelans in these three buildings. "Somebody put them there, somebody funded them, whether it be the federal government or someone else."

So, these illegal aliens may well have been installed in these buildings by the Biden/Harris administration.

Coffman continued: "These gangs are attracted to where there is a concentration of Venezuelan migrants." (Meaning, illegal aliens.) So, these gangs are preying on their own people. The Mayor stated that there is an ongoing operation with local, state, and federal law enforcement and that "arrests have been made."

At least one major figure in the gang has been arrested.

The mayor also admitted on-air that "Cookie Monster," a Tren de Aragua gang leader, "has been apprehended."

"This is an organized criminal effort. Whether it's trend, a drug war, that remains to be to be seen," said Coffman.

While this is a local event, it speaks to a much larger issue.

See Related: Armed Gangs of Illegal Aliens Taking Over Aurora, CO Apartment Buildings - and Nothing Is Being Done 

WATCH: Grinning 11-Year-Old Venezuelan Leads Pack of Youth Muggers in Manhattan


This gang, Tren de Aragua, is a well-known Venezuelan gang. The gang members did not enter the country legally. They are not remaining in the country legally. The people they are preying on did not enter the country legally. They are not remaining in the country legally. This entire event can be laid squarely at the feet of the Biden-Harris administration and their utter failure to enforce our immigration law and their utter failure to control our nation's border.

I know I keep saying this, but the role of government at all levels — the primary goal of government that supersedes all others — is to protect the liberty and property of the people. In this incident, every level of government involved has failed in this. But the biggest failure is the Biden-Harris administration's malfeasance on illegal immigration. The crimes committed by this gang in Aurora, Colorado, must be laid squarely at the feet of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.


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