
Nationwide, Amateur Vigilantes Are Targeting Predators - With Mixed Success

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

In a constitutional republic like the United States, there is one principle that should override all others: Political power, including the delivery of justice, belongs ultimately to the citizens. We seem to have wandered away from this principle in recent years, but it remains the case. And when the citizens get tired of inaction on the part of our elected and appointed employees - for that is what they are, not leaders, not overlords, but our employees - they may well take matters into their own hands.

That can, of course, produce mixed results at times.

In what appears to be a case of this phenomenon, vigilante groups are springing up across the land. Their purpose?

Targeting pedophile predators. The New York Post's Dana Kennedy writes:

Blame it on — or credit, depending on how you look at it — Chris Hansen.

The OG of what are now called “predator catchers” only headlined his NBC “Dateline” segment To Catch a Predator” from 2004 to 2007. But he spawned what’s become a national phenomenon of mostly amateur young men going after suspected pedophiles in stings — and often livestreaming the ambushes online.

The predator catchers, who number in the dozens if not the hundreds, are spread across the country and go by group names like Predator Poachers, Vans Against Predators, Bikers Against Predators, Dads Against Predators and Predator Catchers Inc. They get results, even if local law enforcement agencies sometimes criticize them as reckless vigilantes.

The busts can turn violent. And sometimes the alleged “pedos,” as the predator catchers refer to them, commit suicide after being confronted.

The question, of course, is why? Why are these groups springing up? Is it frustration over inaction by law enforcement? It's true that in some of our major cities, crime is on the rise, and while the blame lies more with revolving-door justice systems and inactive, leftist prosecutors than with the rank-and-file cops - people are getting fed up. 

See Related: New York Politicians Are Considering a Mask Ban to Curb Crime. It’s a Stupid Idea. 

It's Happening: New York's Crime Has Gotten So Bad That Vigilante Justice Is on the Horizon

But on this particular issue? Well, there is a strong emotional element involved, and honestly, that's appropriate. Nothing elicits quite the visceral disgust among the majority of the population than those who prey on children, as witnessed by the fact that convicted child abusers tend to have a very poor time in prison. Some things even hardened crooks view with disgust, and this is one of them.

Some of the groups are formed by people who have suffered abuse and assault themselves as children.

Some of the predator catchers have their own origin stories of being molested when young. Others say they saw Hansen’s work or watched similar groups on YouTube and wanted to join the fray.

In Carnicom’s case, his desire to catch predators stemmed from his own trauma as an 11-year-old in Fremont, Ohio, where, he said, he was repeatedly molested by a family friend.

Carnicom, who is now the father of four daughters and a son, told The Post he was so affected by the molestation that he thought about it every day even as an adult. He added that he was further traumatized by seeing the man, whom he identified as Steve Walker, around town.

And then, some of these folks are commercializing the hunt. That, I admit, casts a doubtful light on the proceeding - although it may also allow the pursuers to devote full-time to the pursuit.

A number of the vigilante groups were formed around 2018 or 2019. The amateur predator catchers interviewed by The Post say they make enough in subscriptions to their online channels and related merchandise to support themselves.

But whatever the reason these groups have sprung up, there is one thing we can know for sure and for certain: They are getting results. Even if their targets are not arrested and charged, they are exposed, and at least one - a Bronx Assistant District Attorney - resigned from his post in disgrace over the exposure, and his career is almost certainly destroyed. 

You know what? I'll take that. If he is guilty of what he is suspected of, I would much rather he serve prison time, but if that's not possible, then ruining him will do. His resignation in and of itself indicates that there may be some truth to the charges, and while he is entitled to the presumption of innocence in the legal system, this, his resignation, is a choice he made.

The ultimate political power, including the delivery of justice, is in the hands of the citizens. It's in our hands. We hire people to deal with criminals, arrest them, prosecute them, and punish them. But when that system fails the people?

In the end, it's up to the citizens.


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