Governor Tim Walz loves him some totalitarian lockdowns. He proved that beyond all doubt during the COVID-19 mess when he ruthlessly locked down Minnesota — unless you were Antifa or a BLM rioter, in which case you were free to loot and burn as you pleased. He even followed the New York practice of slamming COVID patients into nursing homes, in the middle of the population that was far and away most likely to suffer severe effects from the virus; and he to this day insists that this wasn't a mistake. We can be pretty certain that he thinks the whole thing wasn't a mistake — and that he would happily do it again. Reason's Robby Soave writes:
Walz was a moderate Democrat when he served in the House of Representatives but veered left during his two terms as governor. He referred to socialism as synonymous with neighborliness, pursued an extremely progressive governing agenda, and earned an F from the Cato Institute on fiscal policy.
Another notable thing about Walz is that he served as governor during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is thus possible to parse his approach to the virus—and that record is extremely disturbing. Indeed, Walz's coronavirus policies were extremely heavy-handed and restrictive; under his leadership, the state endured the pandemic in a fundamentally anti-libertarian fashion.
Saying Walz "veered left" is akin to pointing out that Vladimir Tepes was a "bit of an unpleasant fellow." And when it came to the COVID mess, Walz was happy to double down on stupid, lockdown-wise:
When the coronavirus was first spreading, Walz was an enthusiastic promoter of social distancing rules. He described the crowds in public, outdoor spaces as "a little too big." He even defended Minnesota's ridiculous hotline for COVID-19 snitches. That's right: Walz's government maintained a method for people to report their neighbors for failing to abide by social distancing rules. Walz insisted in a recent interview that "one person's socialism is another person's neighborliness"; denouncing one's neighbors as insufficiently loyal to government policies is a fundamental aspect of socialism, however.
That's right. Minnesota, under Tim Walz, ran a snitch line. Presumably, this could lead to someone being reported to the state for failing to maintain that six-foot interval that was made up out of whole cloth; in other words, it was a guess, not even an educated guess, and Tim Walz's Minnesota enforced it as an imperial edict.
See Related: Tim Walz's Campaign Claimed He Was Going to Iraq Even As He Was in the Process of Deserting His Men
Tim Walz Drove 95 in a 55, Tried to Flee Police, and Blamed It on 'Deafness'
He was also one of the foremost defenders of a monstrous COVID-19 policy choice: sending sick, elderly patients back to nursing homes where the infection often spread to other vulnerable people, causing a disproportionate number of coronavirus deaths in such settings. A cover-up of nursing home deaths in New York brought an end to the political ambitions of Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who lied about his involvement in this policy. But Walz was a fellow practitioner; in fact, Walz said that it was "not a mistake" to release sick people back to nursing homes. That statement alone reflects poor enough judgment as to be disqualifying for the pursuit of higher office.
Add that to a long, long list of examples where Tim Walz's actions reflect "poor enough judgment as to be disqualifying for the pursuit of higher office." The people of Minnesota seem to have seen fit to send him to Congress and then to the Governor's office, but that's Minnesota's problem. The fact that this totalitarian apparatchik is running for the #2 spot in the republic's executive branch, which would place him one cackling heartbeat away from being arguably the most powerful person on the planet — never mind Commander in Chief of the armed forces he dishonored by ducking out when called upon to actually do the job — that's something we should all be concerned about.
Tim Walz, during the COVID debacle, locked down Minnesota with ruthless efficiency. His administration set up a snitch line for people to rat out their neighbors for failing to adhere to the governor's lockdown edict — you know, someone might hug their grandma or something, and that sort of thing just can't be allowed during a pandemic. And in the midst of all this, rioters, looters, and arsonists ran amok, unchecked by the governor, whose wife threw open her windows to take in the smell of burning tires, as well as the smell of people's hopes, dreams, and life's work going up in flames.
See Related: VIDEO: While Minneapolis Burned, Walz's Wife Threw Her Windows Open to Enjoy the Smell of Burning Tires
These are horrible people. Tim Walz, in fact, may even be worse than his running mate; Kamala Harris is a cackling incompetent, but Tim Walz is a would-be tyrant.
Remember all this in November. These people must never be allowed anywhere near the levers of power.
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