Bernie Sanders Endorses Joe Biden, Tells Doubters to Back Off

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Bernie Sanders, the daffy old Bolshevik independent senator from Vermont who honeymooned in the Soviet Union and thought it was just a hell of a great place, is now on record for supporting the presidency of a befuddled, failing old man. 


That's right. He has endorsed Joe Biden and is admonishing Biden's doubters for insufficient zeal.

Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., recently declared his support for President Biden as the Democratic Party’s nominee for 2024 amid a deluge of calls for the U.S. leader to abandon his re-election bid.

The far-left lawmaker, who lost the Democratic Party primary to Biden during the 2020 presidential cycle, made his case for the president in a New York Times guest essay and called on those looking to ditch Biden following last month’s debate to get behind him.

"Enough! Mr. Biden may not be the ideal candidate, but he will be the candidate and should be the candidate," the senator declared.

You've gotta love it - "Mr. Biden may not be the ideal candidate." Once again, Senator Sanders has demonstrated his penchant for damning with faint praise.

See Related: Bernie Sanders Damns Joe Biden Debate Performance With Faint Praise: 'Not Terribly Articulate' 

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And I have to agree with one point, although not the way the old Commie means it. "Enough!" indeed - enough is enough. Enough with the putting forward a man for the highest elected office in the land whose mental and physical decline is so obvious, so calamitous, so advanced as to make it so that, were he anyone but the Democrat President of the United States, he would be somewhere surrounded by people whose primary concerns would be keeping him away from electrical outlets and making sure he has a bib on before giving him his afternoon pudding cup.


Also, one has to wonder why Senator Sanders would feel he needs to do the Democratic Party any favors - not that his endorsement is necessarily helpful, except to the few remaining Bernie Bros who would vote for a stuffed monkey if it was the leftward alternative. They froze him out of two Democratic Party primary elections, which on the one hand is understandable since he's not technically a Democrat, but an independent who caucuses with the Democrats - which doesn't diminish that they just plain shut down his candidacy. But he seems to be invested in keeping Joe Biden in office, perhaps to ensure that there is someone in Washington who's daffier than he is.

Bernie wasn't done yet.

Slamming the call for Biden’s ouster, Sanders wrote, "The media has frantically searched for every living human being who no longer supports the president or any neurologist who wants to appear on TV. Unfortunately, too many Democrats have joined that circular firing squad."

That's not a circular firing squad, Senator; that's called "finally acknowledging the painfully obvious." Joe Biden isn't fit to run for office, he isn't fit to hold office, and honestly, one wonders what Bernie is thinking of by insisting that somehow the befuddled and weakened Joe Biden is anything but an embarrassment at best and a national security risk at worse.


But then, coherent logic has never been Bernie Sanders' strong point. If it was, he wouldn't have honeymooned in the Soviet Union - or advocated for socialist policies after his return.


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