Massachusetts Governor: Biden Should 'Carefully Evaluate' His Bid for a Second Term. Translation: 'QUIT!'

AP Photo/Michael Dwyer, File

One of the things you learn about politics and politicians when covering their antics from day to day is how to dissect their words and extract what they actually mean. Sometimes, that's pretty easy — as it is in the case of Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey, who has become the first Democrat governor to openly call for President Biden to "carefully evaluate" his continuing quest for a second term.


Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey issued a statement Friday urging President Joe Biden to “carefully evaluate” whether he remains the Democratic Party’s best hope to defeat Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

“President Biden saved our democracy in 2020 and has done an outstanding job over the last four years. I am deeply grateful for his leadership,” Healy said in a statement to CNN. 

“And I know he agrees this is the most important election of our lifetimes. The best way forward right now is a decision for the president to make. Over the coming days, I urge him to listen to the American people and carefully evaluate whether he remains our best hope to defeat Donald Trump. Whatever President Biden decides, I am committed to doing everything in my power to defeat Donald Trump.”

A couple of points, Madam Governor:

The United States is not a democracy. As the governor of one of our more populous states, one would think you would be able to pass a 1950 elementary school civics test, which would have required you to know that our country is a constitutional republic, but you obviously have not passed such a test.

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President Biden has not done an outstanding job or any other kind of job; he is increasingly non compos mentis, the government is being run by figures behind the scenes, and as a prominent Democrat yourself, it's hard to believe that you haven't sussed that out for yourself.


And let's be honest, at least among ourselves. Everyone knows that when you say President Biden should "carefully evaluate" whether he is the Democrats' best chance at defeating Donald Trump in November, you are really shouting, "Oh my god, Joe, please quit now before you drag us all down with you!"

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Many prominent Democrats have been voicing some concern as to Joe Biden's insistence that he's in this game until the bitter end; I took a sampling of their careful statements about the president's continuing his campaign and ran them through an online Politispeak-to-English translator, and this is what resulted:

But two of the nation's most prominent (if not the most successful) Democrat governors are making the right noises to stay in good odor with the Biden people, who at the moment still have their hands on the levers of power, not only for the country but for the Democratic Party:

“I heard three words from the President – he’s all in. And so am I. Joe Biden’s had our back. Now it’s time to have his,” California Gov. Gavin Newsom said in a statement after the meeting. 

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said in a tweet that Biden “is our nominee. He is in it to win it and I support him.”


Oh, they'll be "all in" until they aren't, which could be as soon as 20 minutes from now — although there probably won't be any major decisions until after the holiday weekend is over (and probably not until after the Bidens have had time to transfer the balances of their many bank accounts to Switzerland or the Cayman Islands, and to shutter their web of shell companies, just like a Latin American dictator fleeing his country one jump ahead of the angry mob).

So, Governor Healy, yes, we hear what you are saying. And we hear what you really mean. And that has the Trump campaign's members chortling with glee.


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