
Pride Parades: Not Safe for Work, Not Safe for Kids

AP Photo/Noah Berger

There used to be some expectation of dignity and decorum in being about in public. People, not all that long ago, comported themselves as adults, for the most part. High school graduations played "Pomp and Circumstance," and people didn't react to little Junior getting his high school diploma by screaming like morons. (I've always wanted to ask those people, "What, did you think he wouldn't make it?") Shouting at sports events, great - at graduations, clap politely, show a little respect.

Which brings me to Pride Month. It's not enough that these people get a month, when Moms, Dads, veterans, and the people who fell in battle defending our country all only get a day. It's not enough that LGBTQ people won their legal war and now can marry who they like. It's not enough that we accept their lifestyle; now we are required to celebrate it and to clap and bark like trained seals at their pride parades, which are not safe for work and certainly not safe for kids.

WARNING: There will be some rather direct descriptions of some of the people in these events.

The Federalist's Joy Pullmann has some observations.

Ah, June. That beautiful month of the year now stained by parades of naked people right down myriad American Main Streets.

It’s the month my inbox fills with desperate parents and other ordinary decent people — including queer people — who this month cannot go swimming, to an ice cream shop, to their favorite public park, to the fairgrounds, to the library, or wherever else with or without their kids. That’s because every public place in June now features, erm, nasty people’s private jiggly bits, either directly or indirectly.

In the tiny town of Ashtabula, Ohio, this year the “pride” extravaganza will feature “family-friendly” drag queens who have a public history of exposing their genitals and pole-dancing. Their names are child-friendly things like Kat Piss, Mona Lotz, and Robyn Hearts.

Oh, for crying out loud - those names. 

As for the "jiggly bits" comments, see some of the more modest ones (WARNING - Images marginally safe for work)

"I loved going out there and seeing all the kids."

Holy crap.

Listen, we should believe those people when they say what they intend to do, and what they are saying here is, "We are coming for your kids." I'm no wild-eyed conspiracy theorist, mind you; I'm a sane, rational person, but I can see plainly what these people are doing and hear them saying what they intend to do.

But my question is simply this: Why do they have to sexualize everything they do so overtly? Are these people permanently mentally 14? I remember being 14 - I had girls on my mind pretty much 24-7, but I didn't run around town trolling for girls in a banana hammock. Why are these pride parades so not safe for work? Why do they feel the need to run around naked, or as near naked as makes no difference? These antics don't persuade the general run of the population.

See Related: NOPE! To Kick Off Pride Month, CA Sen. Scott Wiener Claims California's Kids Are 'Our Kids' 

Textbook Publisher Puts Out 'Pride Guide' for Teachers, Will Find 'Work Around' of School District Rules

I don't want to see penises, real or simulated, out in public. I don't want to see dudes parading around in their tighty-whities. For that matter, I don't want to see women parading around like that either, and I'm a straight man - I like girls, although the one I have is more than enough to hold my interest - in private, as it should be. And, in most jurisdictions around the country, if I were to walk down a street wearing nothing but a G-string with a fake willie on the front, I'd find myself in a long heart-to-heart talk with some local cops pretty damn quick. But in a pride parade? They'd probably chide me for my modesty.

Is it really too much to expect people to act like grown-ups?

Joy Pullmann concludes:

So why do queer people get a complete pass to be blatantly sexually transgressive in ways we never, ever tolerate for heterosexuals? If a group of people decided they were nakedsexuals whose beautiful heterosexuality is suppressed by clothing, would we let them hold nudist parades right on Main Street every freaking year? Would we let them run bouncy houses for children in public parks? At this point, I would hardly be surprised, but I think there would be far more resistance to that sort of thing than the limp flaccidity from just about every entity in this country.

Why is that? Why do gay people get to walk around in banana hammocks, butt cheeks waggling, with their naked nipples bared right in front of children while they talk about how much they love children, when anyone else doing that without the protective rainbow shield would rightfully get arrested or a visit from Child Protective Services? That’s not equality. It’s subjugation.

It's a massive imposition on the general population by the terminally woke, but I suspect this will, sooner or later, run across the cultural equivalent of Stein's Law: What can't continue, won't continue. This - this endless parading of genitalia - can't continue.

Although, I confess to feeling some schadenfreude when the pride parades bump into a bunch of pro-Hamas protestors. That's must-see TV right there. And my attitude towards that confrontation is simple:


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