Trump Post-Conviction Fundraising Shattering Records

AP Photo/Jeff Dean

The Trump campaign has, in the hours since yesterday's verdict in the Manhattan trial, blown through fundraising records. Since yesterday donors have poured almost $35 million into the Trump coffers.


At least two major donors have recently flipped to financially support Donald Trump's re-election bid:

Previously on RedState: ABOUT-FACE: Billionaire Blackstone Group CEO Changes His Tune, Throws His Weight Behind Trump 

Silicon Valley Tech Mogul Responds to Trump Verdict With Whopping $300K Donation

The Silicon Valley tech mogul mentioned is Shaun Maguire, who announced a $300,000 donation following the verdict.

Maguire states in part:

Back in 2016 I had drunk the media Kool-Aid and was scared out of my mind about Trump. As such I donated to Hilary Clinton’s campaign and voted for her. 

By 2020 I was disillusioned and didn’t vote – I didn’t like either option. 

Now, in 2024, I believe this is one of the most important elections of my lifetime, and I’m supporting Trump.

Social media, predictably, exploded after the verdict, with likewise predictable lines drawn; the right was angry, the left condescending and gloating. Until some post-verdict polling comes in, though, the only indicator we have to judge the impact of all this is fundraising, and the immediate indicators seems to be that Trump supporters are undeterred by all this.


Immediately following Thursday's verdict announcement, the conservative fundraising site WinRed crashed under the rush of traffic.

Data from WinRed has given insight into how Trump's operation has successfully monetized his legal woes in the past. The platform's reports to the Federal Election Commission showed Trump got more than $4 million online when he had his mugshot taken in Georgia last year, for example. But if would-be donors are deterred from giving money because WinRed is down, it could cut into the fundraising haul the campaign is hoping will come in because of the verdict.

There's an argument to be made here that every lawfare attack on Donald Trump has strengthened his appeal to many everyday Americans; that, like a certain space-fantasy movie hero of yore, every attack makes him stronger. The fundraising numbers, as of this writing, would seem to support this; the polling in the coming weeks may be very interesting to watch.


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