United Nations Pays Sickening Tribute to 'The Butcher of Tehran'

Iranian Presidency Office via AP

It's past time the United States pulled out of the United Nations, taking along what remains of the free Western nations with it. In the latest outrage coming from the UN, that organization has taken time to pay tribute to the "Butcher of Tehran," former Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, who has now assumed room temperature in a helicopter crash.


Raisi earned the nickname "Butcher of Tehran" for his role in a series of mass executions of political prisoners in Iran in 1988. These executions were carried out without any pretense of due process; while estimates vary, as many as 5,000 people may have been killed in this purge of people the regime viewed as threats.

This is the man the UN is honoring. This is a man who, one would think, the Western world would abhor. This is a man who signed legislation placing tighter restrictions on the hijab for women in Iran. This is a man who, while visiting Uganda, a nation that had just passed a law allowing the death sentence for "aggravated homosexuality," stated that:

“The Western countries try to identify homosexuality as an index of civilization, while this is one of the dirtiest things which have been done in human history.”


This is a man who cast doubt on the Holocaust.

This is the man that the UN is taking time to pay tribute to. A leader of the primary state sponsor of terror on the planet. A leader of a nation that almost certainly aided and abetted Hamas in their October 7th atrocities in Israel.

What was the UN thinking?

The United Nations was founded after the Second World War, primarily by the "big four" Allies: The United States, Great Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, with the primary mandate of preventing another such horrible, globe-spanning conflict. That was a long time ago now, and while we haven't had a third world war yet, if we ever do suffer such an event, it will be people like Ebrahim Raisi who start it.

Civilized nations everywhere should be breathing a sigh of relief when someone like Ebrahim Raisi has his birth certificate revoked. It's intolerable that the world's largest international political organization pays tribute to this monster.

But then, the UN has been, for some time now, not only corrupt and ineffective but fundamentally opposed to the interests of the United States and Israel.

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The UN is an organization that has outlived its usefulness, and it has been decidedly unfriendly towards the U.S. for quite a while. So, yes, let’s tell the UN where to stick it. Kick them out of that posh New York building and tell them to take off to Belgium, Belize, or Baluchistan. The only time they smile at the U.S. is when they need something paid for or need a few thousand young men to go die in some third-world country for a brush-fire that’s none of our business. Now, they are paying tribute, standing with heads bowed, in honor of one of the worst people to walk the planet in our time.

We don’t need that, and we don’t need the UN.


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