The Rise of the Passport Bro

(AP Photo/Gemunu Amarasinghe)

Did you know there was such a thing as a "Passport Bro"? I didn't know there was such a thing as a Passport Bro, until today. Here is the definition, according to the Urban Dictionary:


The "Passport Bros" are men who have chosen to seek out foreign women, typically from other countries, for relationships. They believe that Western women have been influenced by cultural and societal pressures to behave in a certain way and that by seeking out foreign women, they can find a more authentic, fulfilling, and harmonious relationship. This is seen as a way to restore the natural balance between masculine and feminine energy, and to avoid the "wickedness" of Western women.

(Full disclosure: I have a passport but am most assuredly not a Passport Bro.)

As it happens, this is a growing phenomenon, as Blaze News informs us:

While the movement has been met with intense backlash for several reasons, Lauren Chen doesn’t take issue with the idea of passport bros. 

“I don't think anyone should find it strange that someone would move for a greater likelihood of finding a spouse if, in this day and age, it's totally common to move for a greater likelihood of finding a job,” she explains. 

Many have been quick to demonize the concept as a subtype of exploitation and even human trafficking. 

Lauren, however, knows that is not the case because she spent much of her childhood in different parts of Asia. She attended American international schools and knew several families in which Western men and Asian women were happily married. 


I'm not surprised, and the fact that this is a growing phenomenon, frankly, is one of the (many) reasons I'm grateful to be in a happy, stable, 31+ year marriage. Especially at a time when there are people out there trying to actively discourage young women from marriage and traditional lives

Isn't the whole idea of marriage to find a partner who shares your values, your expectations, your goals, your traditions, your ideas on how you want your life to unfold? And does it matter where one goes to find that partner? No. I grew up in rural Iowa, and my wife in pre-apocalyptic urban Baltimore, we met thanks to the U.S. Army and a big party held by General Norman Schwarzkopf, and we've been married very happily for 31 years now.

My wife is also no passive/submissive hausfrau. She is a (disabled) Army veteran, a Bronze Star recipient, a mother of four daughters, and an editor/publisher running her own company. She also has more physical and emotional courage than anyone else I've ever met. While one of the keys to our marriage is the fact that nobody else could put up with either one of us, it's also true that nobody better try to tell us that we should have sought spouses somewhere else. I wouldn't trade her for all the houris of Paradise, and that's for sure and for certain.


And nobody, least of all strident American third-wave feminists, should be telling the Passport Bros that they can't seek a wife wherever they choose. As long as all parties are competent, consenting adults, as long as there is no coercion or fraud, the whole thing is nobody else's damn business.

Lauren Chen had this to say:

The other thing Lauren can’t understand is the mentality of Western feminists (who can usually be found ranting on TikTok) condemning passport bros for seeking more traditional relationships. 

“If you're this disinterested in the men who are going overseas because you don't want the lifestyle that they're offering, why do you even care?” Lauren asks. 

“Like why is it so triggering that a man who you supposedly aren't interested in is also not interested in you? That's what I don't understand,” she continues. 

I can answer that question, and the answer is found in the neo-Puritanism of the New Left: They are terrified, absolutely terrified at the idea that someone, somewhere, might be enjoying themselves. And if the Passport Bros find a wife in Thailand or the Philippines, or Japan, then as long as all parties are happy and content, I say, more power to them. Any strident leftists who object can be happily disregarded.


In fact, that's just a good operating assumption for anything we do in our lives: Any strident leftists who object can be happily disregarded.

You can see Lauren Chen explain her take on the whole thing below. Fair warning: Lauren talks very fast. I listened as fast as I could, and I think I caught most of it.

Let's be fair, though. There are plenty of American women who value the traditional ideas of family, home, marriage, and children. I don't see how there could not be, and I feel kind of bad for the other ones, the young women who seem to me to be destined to end up as sour old maids, surrounded by cats, who will have no children and grandchildren to bring meaning to their lives when they look back over the decades they've spent on the Earth. That's sad. But it's also their choice - and, in fact, none of my damn business.


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