Former MSNBC Talking Head Joy Reid Is So Mad She Is Thinking About Spilling Tea on Her Former Employer

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP, File

As someone in the media, I don't necessarily enjoy watching other people in the media go through hard times.

Yet, in my book, watching people who, at one point, struggled mightily with the basic tenets of reality while hosting a show on MSNBC generally gets an exception. Joy-less Reid was usually, almost always, at the top of the list of clips that I thoroughly enjoyed watching and, quite frankly, mocked every time I encountered her.


Sorry to say, but MSNBC did this country and the conservative movement a disfavor by canceling her low-rated show. They should have been obligated to continue to pay her gobs of money and pay her staff to be one of the lowest-rated shows on cable TV.

Shameful is really not a strong enough word.

In case you did not read my pal, Townhall and RedState media columnist Brad Slager's send-off of Joy-less, here it is: In Memoriam: A Retrospective Sendoff for a Departing Joy Reid. And this little nugget is just a brilliant example of what you will find in a post by Brad.

Not to suggest her demise was not warranted; you just felt a bit surprised that it actually happened. Her presence delivered the paradox of perpetual inevitability, much like the Oakland A’s moving to Las Vegas, Yanni concerts ending, or the Steak & Ale restaurants closing down; you never knew anyone who enjoyed those low-quality entries, and yet they were always lingering in defiance of popular opinion.

I'm pretty sure Brad misses her also but in a much more loving way.

So, as I was skimming through the news Friday, I came across an article that Joy was very upset about being canned by the fine folks over at MSNBC, and she was plotting revenge. My colleague Nick Arama just penned an article about Joy-less and her musings about how we would fare in a war against Canada with former CNN gabber Don Lemon. Watch: Joy Reid's Jaw-Dropping Remarks on How US Would Fare in a War With Canada.


She is plotting revenge with MSNBC and talking about war with Canada? 

Sacre bleu! 

From Nicks's post:

First, she claims that we lost the War of 1812, which isn't really historically true, it was considered a draw.

Second, that was Great Britain, not Canada, who we were fighting. Canada didn't actually become a nation until 1867. So Joy needs some serious work on her history. 

Third, we're helping to protect Canada now; we're not going to war with them. Just another way in which they are dependent on us. 

"They probably like their chances against us [in a war]," she crows. "We're not going to beat them in a war, because we have never been able to do that...We going lose!"  

What the heck? Does she have any idea how silly that sounds? How far superior we are militarily now on every level? Not to mention vastly outnumbering them in manpower? There's a reason Canada has us helping in their military defense.

I need to take a second to answer my colleague Nick's question from above…. Joy has no idea how silly that sounds, and THAT is (one) of the reasons I consider her a national treasure. 

Now that I have gotten through some stories about Joy-less that have undoubtedly brought you actual joy, we get to her plotting revenge in a closet somewhere, muttering things to her Rachel Maddow look-alike voodoo doll:

Joy Reid is reportedly plotting revenge against MSNBC after she was fired over poor ratings.

Reid, 56, is 'ready to burn the house down,' according to a report by Radar Online that claims the pundit is 'livid' and ready to reveal everything she knows about the inner-workings at MSNBC.

'MSNBC wants her to sign an NDA, but that's not going to happen. If they think they are going to silence her, they better think again,' a source told Radar Online.


I can't blame her actually for being ticked off. She was being paid millions to stare into the camera and do her schtick and not make any sense at all. Sweet gig if you parrot leftist garbage.

However, that is not the scariest part of the story because a "summit" was held, according to the article...

After her firing, Reid held a summit with Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O'Donnell and Nicole Wallace, all of whom praised Reid and expressed how sad they were that the show was ending but refused to criticize their bosses.

Reid broke down as she explained that she's not sorry for having gone 'hard on so many' progressive issues like Black Lives Matter or immigrant rights on her primetime slot.

'Whether it’s talking about any of these issues and, yes, whether it’s talking about Gaza and the fact that we as the American people have a right to object, to have a right to object to little babies being bombed,' Reid went on.

'And and where I come down on that is I’m not sorry. I am not sorry that I stood up for those those things because those things are of God.'

The person who quoted Joy above clearly never listened to her on the show that MSNBC axed, which bums me out. I was secretly hoping that there was maybe a hidden video of Joy, Rachel Lawrence, and Nicole encouraging their friend to continue on the crazy train of political irrelevancy. Yet I have a feeling that is a bit of fantasy and maybe did not happen.


That Joy conveniently found God and claims He is a huge supporter and comfortable with the (her) stance of babies being aborted and biological men running over biological women in sports is, of course, neither here nor there.

She probably never mentioned that on her former show.

I’m just guessing.

I'm going to protest MSNBC for exhibiting common sense, cutting Joy loose and depriving me of those funny clips on TikTok and YouTube shorts. I would ask you to please join me in this boycott, but most of America already has.

That's why her show was canceled.

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