James Carville Admits He Was Wrong About Kamala in 2024—Lessons Can Be Learned From It

AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

Lately, I have been trying to highlight instances where Democrats clearly were on the wrong side of an issue or maybe even didn't understand what it was they were supporting. I would be lying if I were to say those instances were few and far between but since 2022 and a bit before, they have not only made it easy to make arguments against their idiotic stances, but in some cases, they've doubled down on it.


This one I posted recently is an example of Gretchen Whitmer being all bi-partisan all of a sudden.

Whitmer's Meeting With Trump May Have Gone Well, but Democrats Still Need to Be Tossed Out in Michigan 

Here is just a sample from that post...

COVID-19 and Whitmer's executive orders were a disaster, which I covered here at RedState Remember When Gretchen Whitmer Issued All Her Misguided COVID Orders Five Years Ago? Some Michiganians Do

Back in 2021, LeDuff was digging into the actual numbers of nursing home deaths during COVID-19, and he teamed up with the Mackinac Center, and what they found was slightly shocking. Report: Michigan Nursing Home COVID Deaths Could Be Underreported by 40% or Higher

From that story...

LeDuff and his show the No Bullshit News Hour joined up with Mackinac Center for Public Policy to force the State of Michigan to release the data for the actual numbers of people who died in care facilities. From their initial find, Michigan looks like it failed in collecting the numbers that could have helped steer policy and possibly save lives.

From Deadline Detroit

It appears that Michigan wildly under-counts Covid deaths in its long term care facilities.

A joint investigation by the “No BS News Hour” and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy reveals that the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) does not do a thorough job of scrubbing vital records to determine whether people who died of Covid were nursing home residents, as its own guidelines require.

Moreover, our investigation found that DHHS did conduct a limited review of those vital records last summer, and found that 44 percent could be traced to nursing homes.

Don’t expect the nursing home data to get better or more accurate. DHHS has abandoned the practice of thoroughly scrubbing records because it is considered too “time-consuming.”

Why does this matter?

As I said above, we have been told that state officials were basing all the decisions they were making on science and data. So all the closures and restrictions we experienced here in the Great Lakes State were supposed to be based on the best data possible.

According to LeDuff’s Deadline Detroit story above, they reviewed records after having to sue to have an FOIA request honored and found this: From March to June of 2020, the state audited 1,468 death records and of those 648 deaths were traced back to long-term care facilities. Taking that 44% as an average and applying it to the near 7,000 other vital records deaths recorded would be close to another 3,000 deaths for those who are being cared for in care facilities.


We seem to think that we will always remember idiotic moves the likes of which Gretchen pulled here in Michigan during COVID-19, but I think for that to happen we have to constantly drive it home to make sure we don't have any lapse of memory.

So when one of the left's all-time greats, the "Ragin' Cajun" James Carville himself, was interviewed about why he was wrong in saying Kamala Harris was going to win the White House (HERE) I had to take a look.

Veteran Democratic strategist James Carville spoke candidly about his botched prediction that then-Vice President Kamala Harris would win the 2024 presidential election.

In the final weeks of the election cycle, Carville made the media rounds expressing confidence that Democrats would keep President Donald Trump out of the White House, even penning an op-ed in The New York Times titled "Three Reasons I’m Certain Kamala Harris Will Win."

"The polls looked even, alright? I thought that Harris had more money. She also had more storefront locations, she had more doorknockers, definitely had better surrogates with two ex-presidents out there. Trump was going around with Scott Baio or something…. And I thought a combination of all of that would be worth a point and a half. It was not," Carville told Fox News Digital in an interview. 

Carville added to his initial observation above about the former Veep in her appearance on The View during the 2024 campaign. 


"You relearn the oldest lesson in politics. The greatest motivator of turnout, of voting, of persuasion is a reason. If you don't have a reason, you can't [win]," Carville said. "People had a reason to vote for Trump. The one reason that they were looking for, I should have taken this into more account, was people wanted some change."

Carville recalled Harris' now-infamous appearance on "The View" when she was asked what he called the "money question:" What would she have done differently from President Joe Biden? She responded, "There is not a thing that comes to mind."

Nothing comes to mind. Really?

There are so many things to break down about why Harris should never have been close to ever being in the White House except as maybe a visitor. I will admit that I thought she would have eked out a victory here in Michigan. My colleague Scott Hounsel predicted that Trump would win this state and Pennsylvania—which he did.

 As Trump put it, it was too big to rig and there were a lot of reasons for that. 

The border crisis and the flood of undocumented illegals into the country. The economy and inflation. The absolute look of confusion and sometimes terror when Joe Biden would get done with the speech and start walking around like a Roomba on stage.

These core issues are what we are going to constantly have to pound into the ground to make sure that the everyday electorate doesn't follow politics closely as some of us have it rolling around in the back of our heads wondering why the Democrats support biological men playing in biological women's sports.


My colleague Streiff opined the other day about Trump's current polling and reminisced about when Carville was on top of his game and came up with a four-star quote.  Right Track Versus Wrong Track Number Hits 20-Year High

Federal workers remain more popular than Trump, JD Vance, Elon Musk, or DOGE. In the immortal words of James Carville, "It's the economy, stupid." If Trump drives inflation and prices down and can show more job opportunities, most of the rest, in terms of right/wrong track and presidential approval, will take care of itself.

I'm glad Carville forgot it was "the economy, stupid" today because he was right in 1992 and he forgot his lesson.

See you next cycle, James.


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