OPINION: Maybe We Should Cheer on the Democrats As They Drive Their Party Off the Political Landscape

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

Blessings come in many forms - Unknown

Truer words may never have been spoken.

We cover a lot of topics here on the hallowed pages of RedState. We have a great number of reporters and opinion writers who cover an amazingly wide range of topics not only across the political scene but also culture and sports and everything in between. 


I am lucky enough to co-host a show on Wednesday nights called the RedState VIP Gold Show, which covers the hot topics of the week with RedState contributors and other special guests who give insight to the audience on some of the hot topics from that week.

Last night on the show, we had our regulars, Scott Hounsell and Taylor Bradford. We were joined by Brad Slager of RedState and Townhall, and we discussed the joint session of Congress from Tuesday night and the Democrats publicly soiling themselves for a nationwide audience.

As you can imagine, it was an interesting discussion, 

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We all agreed that the Democrats seem to be a bit out of sync and or lost right now, and we were amused by this. Honestly, what is not to be amused by this when the progressives and uber-liberals on the left right now are constantly shooting themselves in the foot politically?

Yet after the show, as I was falling asleep, I was wondering how long this could last. I think that's a pretty reasonable thing to ponder because the longer that they flounder, the better off the Trump Administration will be in the country and the better off the country will be as a whole.


Today, I  happened upon Townhall and an article by the one and only Kurt Schlichter called Democrats Are Just Not Normal and it confirmed some things I had going through my noggin. 

Here is just a sample of it from Kurt's column.

Take that, little cop cancer kid! The Democrats sure showed him! No applause for you. How dare you be celebrated by the country when the president pointed you out from the lectern. Yeah, they showed him. They showed Donald Trump. They showed us all! The Democrats aren’t going to allow Donald Trump to be normalized! Nor kids with cancer! Nor foster parents of 40 kids. Nor victims of rape and murder by the Third World barbarians Democrats imported into the country. No, the party that thinks some women have penises isn’t going to normalize the party that doesn’t.

Their campaign to keep from normalizing Donald Trump has worked, but not exactly how they thought it would. They showed us that they’re not normal, that they’re weirdos, that they’re pretty much insane.

Mr. Schlichter continued...

Applaud for finding and cutting waste in the federal budget? No.

Applaud for endless money given to ungrateful foreigners? Absolutely.

I don’t know who came up with the strategy of adopting only positions normal Americans hate, but it is sure a bold one. I’m eager to see how it works out for them. Maybe the idea is to be so annoying that we give up in the face of their relentless nincompoopery. But if Trump’s speech the other night was any indication, we’re just getting started.


After reading Kurt's piece, all of a sudden, it dawned on me

I should not be wondering how long they're going to continue to ignore reality. I should encourage them to continue to ignore reality.

The longer they continue to deal with the reality of believing that biological men should be allowed to compete with biological women in sporting events and all the other weird things we have seen them support, the better off it will be for the Trump Administration and, therefore, America. 

Which would help Make America Great Again.

See what I did there?

I highly suggest you find a congressional critter to encourage. 

Possibly, you live in their district or state, or you know of them because you just find them so obnoxious you can't believe that people elected them, and you encourage them to continue on the path that they currently are on. Show them the love that they so richly deserve and encourage them to continue on the path that will lead them to political futility.

For my part, I already have my favorite Congressional Critter that I have written about here and have had a hoot writing about. AOC Doomsday Countdown Clock Update: We Don't Have Much More Time Left on Earth.

If you missed her prognosticating from 2019, our heroine said Earth only had 12 years left before climate blah blah blah ended our existence. 


Here is a brief refresher...

The youngest woman ever elected to Congress again made headlines and sparked conservative criticism when she said Monday that she and other young Americans fear “the world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change.”

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., made the remark during an interview with writer Ta-Nehisi Coates at the MLK Now event in New York City celebrating the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

Ocasio-Cortez called the fight to mitigate the effects of climate change her generation’s “World War II.”

“Millennials and Gen Z and all these folks that come after us are looking up, and we’re like, ‘The world is going to end in 12 years if we don’t address climate change, and your biggest issue is how are we gonna pay for it?’ ” she said.

I can't wait until she hears how Elon is gonna wreck the spending on that via DOGE and for the meltdown that will cause. I am vowing right here and now to encourage her to continue to fight for this and every other lunatic idea that she has and egg her on to never stop fighting.


Please consider joining me in this most noble quest.

You're already on the internet and are probably on social media platforms, so put some of that time to good use and consider encouraging our friends on the left to continue digging that hole deeper and deeper. 


Enouraging digging a deeper hole for bad political ideas can be a blessing also.

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