Those of us that have been following the erratic Executive Orders of the 49th Governor of the state of Michigan knew that if she were told NO that she would get pissy, and she, as usual, did not fail. As I wrote here yesterday at RedState, ( Michigan State Supreme Court Rules Gov Whitmer Overstepped Her Authority ) Gov. Whitmer was issued a huge blow to her leadership style by the top court in the state.
In a nutshell, the court said that her orders issued under two different laws were unconstitutional. In specific, since May 1st, she has not issued an executive order in relation to COVID-19 that is legal. This, of course, put a bee in her bonnet, and as those who have watched her Royalness know, she was not going to sit for that.
So, she did what any of the cool kids would do: she went right to Facebook to vent. Listed below is her statement…
Since the beginning of this crisis, I have done everything in my power to protect our seniors, small businesses, and…
Posted by Governor Gretchen Whitmer on Friday, October 2, 2020
It read:
Since the beginning of this crisis, I have done everything in my power to protect our seniors, small businesses, and first responders from the worst public health emergency in over a century. Thanks to the hard work of millions of Michiganders who sacrificed and did the right thing, we have saved thousands of lives and laid the foundation for a strong economic recovery. But COVID-19 still poses a clear and present danger to the people of Michigan, our economy, and our way of life.
This virus has now killed more Michiganders than World War I. It is a novel virus for which there is no cure, and which has infected the President of the United States, members of the United States Congress, and Legislators across our state. This virus continues to take the lives of Americans every single day, and without a cure or approved vaccine, that will continue for the foreseeable future.
Today’s Supreme Court ruling, handed down by a narrow majority of Republican justices, is deeply disappointing, and I vehemently disagree with the court’s interpretation of the Michigan Constitution. Right now, every state and the federal government have some form of declared emergency. With this decision, Michigan will become the sole outlier at a time when the Upper Peninsula is experiencing rates of COVID infection not seen in our state since April.
It is important to note that this ruling does not take effect for at least 21 days, and until then, my emergency declaration and orders retain the force of law. Furthermore, after 21 days, many of the responsive measures I have put in place to control the spread of the virus will continue under alternative sources of authority that were not at issue in today’s ruling.
I know this is hard. We all want this crisis to be over, and we all want life to return to normal as soon as possible. But the only way we will get through this is by pulling together as Americans and working as one nation to defeat this virus. That means wearing a mask, washing your hands frequently, and maintaining six feet of physical distancing. Michiganders have grit, and there is no challenge we can’t meet.
I want the people of Michigan to know that no matter what happens, I will never stop fighting to keep you and your families safe from this deadly virus.
Just a couple of really small things from this scholarly post above.
First off, she can issue emergency orders and she knows this. What she CANNOT DO is do this for infinity, with no input from the legislature. Under the 1976 law, the Governor CAN declare a State of Emergency but after 28 days she must go back to the legislature and get approval for another 28 days or fewer. She has failed to do this, since the Michigan House and Senate refused to agree to her demands back in April.
Second off, the Court just said her orders were illegal. How can she keep illegal orders in place for another 21 days? If you are accused of a crime and found not guilty, you walk your butt out of the court into free air. That she is still threatening Michiganians is just silly. She should have known this was not going to go her way, when she lost 7-0 against Karl Manke, the barber – back in the month of June – that her orders were not up to par.
Also, whatever power she thinks she has to continue these rules will be met with more lawsuits, and she will lose. This is no longer about doing what is right; This is just a pissing match of someone with an ego out of control. I do admire the way she and her administration make stuff up as they go along, but fantasy time is over. She needs to get back to actual work and not dreaming new and crazy executive orders.
And if she really believes this:
I want the people of Michigan to know that no matter what happens, I will never stop fighting to keep you and your families safe from this deadly virus.
Then she needs to sit down with the Speaker of the Michigan House and the Senate Majority Leader of the Michigan Senate and hammer out a deal. Maybe this happens after she stops spitting fire and calms down, being she is probably still red-hot mad about being told NO.
Even President Trump gets told no and has to deal with it. I’m sure Governor Gretch can do it also.
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