Just the Facts: Michigan COVID-19 Numbers for Monday March 30th.

(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

(AP Photo/Carlos Osorio, File)

Welcome to week two of posting numbers for COVID-19 here in the State of Michigan as released by the Official Michigan Government website. These are the numbers released earlier this afternoon by State of Michigan


*The total number of confirmed cases: 6498 which is a 1012 person increase from the previous day.

*Deaths: 184 total deceased which is a 52 person increase from the previous day.

*Currently 2.8% of those that have been confirmed to have contracted COVID-19 have perished. This leaves the survival rate currently at 97.2%.

*The state has tested and received results back from 15,282 specimens. Those found positive were 3720 and those found negative or inconclusive were 11,893. This number has not changed or been updated by the state since Saturday March 28th.

Total samples tested includes test that were negative, positive, and inconclusive.
Counts represent the total specimens tested, not total patients tested. A patient can have more than one specimen tested, therefore the number of specimens tested may be more than the number of patients tested.


*Overall Percentage of Cases by Sex

49% are Men

51% are Women

*Overall Percentage of Deceased by Sex

68% of Men (change of -1% from the previous day)

32% of Women (change of +1% from the previous day)

*Detroit and Wayne County lead the state with 3195 cases or 49.2% of the total in the state.

*13 counties are tied for only having one case reported.

*Detroit and Wayne County account for 184 of the deaths in the state which are 45% of the current total in the state.

The city of Detroit is in the County of Wayne so that is why they are combined here.


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