I know this is going to be hard for those that really hate POTUS #45 to admit but they have to agree this guy is really good at trolling the opposition. They are going to need to teach college courses on how well Donald Trump has trolled his opponents into sputtering this is how it is done.
Just sit back and take some notes kids.
From The Hill…
President Trump’s reelection campaign announced it is taking out a full-page advertisement in the Las Vegas Review-Journal on Wednesday, the same day Democrats will be squaring off in Nevada’s primary debate.
The ad, which is running in Nevada’s largest newspaper based on circulation, will slam Democrats for “big government socialism” that it says will “kill Nevada jobs.” The color ad will also highlight job creation and dropping unemployment during Trump’s tenure, declaring that “President Trump’s fighting for the economy.”
Full page @TeamTrump newspaper ad running tomorrow in @reviewjournal on same day as Democrat debate in Las Vegas.
The economy is booming thanks to @realDonaldTrump, but Democrats’ socialist policies threaten to upend that success and kill Nevada jobs! pic.twitter.com/54joE3QKUA
— Sarah Matthews (@SarahAMatthews1) February 19, 2020
Now not only did Trump take out this ad today he is actually In Las Vegas as we speak on a west coast trip just mucking up their show.
The media narrative is that President Trump fears Joe Biden or Mike Bloomberg but the more I watch of this I am coming to the conclusion that Trump doesn’t really care who he faces. He just wants to get the general election going so he can start pounding on one of them instead of five or six. For all the talk of any one of these people beating Trump it sure looks like none of them so far are capable of taking the belt from the champ.
Having the Presidency is a huge advantage but I don’t recall ever seeing a sitting President going into the Dems playgrounds and just staring at them asking if they want to play. So far none of these challengers has risen to take the bait. I wonder why?
I know one thing that I am very much looking forward too. Seeing what Trump-Pence 2020 has planned for the Democrats convention in July in the great state of Packers and cheese. Milwaukee will be lit with the stench of Bernie Bro’s anger of once again getting screwed and I cant wait to see what Trump & Co will do to troll them at the start of the general campaign.
Get your tickets now!!!
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