You still have time to place your bets on who will win the New Hamshire primary tonight.
I know, I know, only in America. At least we know that if Pete Rose bets on this he cant get banned from voting as he did from baseball, which he deserved.
The line on this has jumped over the past month but really moved since the debacle in Iowa last week that had Pete Buttigieg ending up winning the most delegates. Bernie is still the favorite though going into today although Pete is once again right behind him.
Here is how it looks going into today…
From KansasCity.Com…
Bookmakers taking bets on who will win the Democratic primary in New Hampshire Tuesday all agree that the senator from neighboring Vermont, Bernie Sanders, is the favorite in the race.
But a review of the betting lines from several gambling sites shows varying odds for Sanders — and puts Pete Buttigieg in a close second to win the first primary of the season.
Popular betting site Bovada gives Sanders the best odds, giving him -500 on its line. The lower the number, the more the candidate (or football or basketball team) is favored to win. Bovada gives Buttigieg +300. The site puts Warren, Biden and Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota all at +5,000.
That means a $100 bet on Biden, Warren or Klobuchar would pay out $5,000.
So if you have some extra money to burn you could place a hundy on Amy Klobuchar and possibly win some big dough. If you placed that bet on Biden or Warren to win than you should be ashamed of yourself being you could have donated that to charity and done some good.
Also if you do want to take the safe bet and place it on Bernie, just make sure that any money you win you don’t tell any Sanders supporters. They will automatically want more than half for not doing anything for it.
Have no fear though, the odds for Trump in November are looking good as we stand here in the cold of February…
A RealClearPolitics aggregate of polling on a general election match-up between Sanders and Trump shows the Vermont senator ahead by 3.7 percentage points. But Bovada gives President Trump a better chance to win re-election come November.
Start saving that money to place a bet on Monday Nov-2nd which is the day before the election. Unless of course, you are Pete Rose which in that case you already bet the farm on Trump.
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