Occasionally stories come out from political types that you just have to sit back and marvel about. Yet I’m not so sure of this one being it smells like a bit like a trap.
Mike Bloomberg’s campaign manager was quoted as saying as of right now Trump should win reelection. Which begs the question then why is your guy in this race and also not running in the other states than the Super Tuesday. Some of those answers are below.
From the Washington Examiner …
Michael Bloomberg’s campaign manager conceded President Trump was on the precipice of reelection, complimenting his team’s 2020 strategy.
Kevin Sheekey, who steered the billionaire media mogul and philanthropist to victory in his three New York City mayoral races, praised his Trump campaign counterpart, Brad Parscale, during an interview with Fox News.
“Brad is not running a national campaign. Brad is running a campaign in six states, and he’s doing that exceptionally well. And right now, if the election was held, I think President Trump probably is reelected. And that’s one of the reasons Mike Bloomberg got into this campaign,” Sheekey said late Monday, referring to Arizona, Florida, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Kevin is 100% correct that Trump does need to win those states listed above. In Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin the grand total of those three states combined of victory for the President was less than 80k. That is a very thin margin and Trump-Pence 2020 cant afford to lose any of them this time around. So putting a focus on those areas does make sense strategy-wise.
However, he goes on to verbally whip the Democrats in the race for focusing on Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina while team Bloomberg ignores those states and focuses on Super Tuesday. Those fifteen states hold their contests on March 3rd and in complimenting Trump and criticizing their opponents for doing more one on one with smaller states just seems odd to me.
Also, the rumor floating around that Bloomberg will commit up to two billion dollars to defeat Trump, Kevin pours a Lil bit of cold water on. This part I believe is pure deflection.
Bloomberg is worth an estimated Fifty to Sixty billion dollars and him spending two billion out of that will not make him lose any sleep. In fact, I’m pretty sure Bloomberg is not actually trying to win the Democratic nomination but lay the groundwork for an independent run and he is testing the ground in these Super Tuesday states.
Particularly Texas.
Just a couple of weeks ago he did his three-day bus tour through the state with Judge Judy which was a dud. However, if he could tip enough GOP votes out of Texas to allow the Democrat to win the 38 electoral votes that will make it very hard for Trump to win the Presidency. Yet any of those Super Tuesday states could make the Trump team focus on more than those six listed above.
When political operatives come with words of praise always beware and look to see what they are bringing.
Almost always, it is trouble.
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