A couple of weeks ago I was asked by a friend of mine what I thought of the term “Twitter Diplomacy”. I know that this was, of course, in reference to how Donald Trump has used the platform to communicate his thoughts on all things. Sometimes, that includes telling world leaders what he thinks of them and their policies without the “polishing” that comes with running something through the State Department. After giving it some thought I told him it was the new norm in the “Age of Trump” and it was, at least, not boring.
Now, with these tweets from Donald Trump, we can see a huge upside to this.
This past Saturday, President Trump used his Twitter account to express direct support to the Iranian protestors who were gathering in the streets in that country to let their displeasure be known about Iran’s downing of a civilian flight and a host of other things. One of his tweets became the most liked in the history of Persia.
According to the Washington Examiner …
President Trump’s tweet in Farsi expressing support for Iranians protesting Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has already earned over 200,000 likes, making it the “most liked Persian tweet” in the social media giant’s history, according to a leading think tank adviser.
On Saturday, protesters in the country called upon Khamenei to step down after Iran admitted to shooting down a commercial airliner on which dozens of Iranian citizens were traveling. That evening, the president sent out a tweet in Farsi, saying that he stands with their efforts.
“To the brave and suffering Iranian people: I have stood with you since the beginning of my presidency and my government will continue to stand with you. We are following your protests closely. Your courage is inspiring,” Trump wrote.
به مردم شجاع و رنج کشیده ایران: من از ابتدای دوره ریاست جمهوریم با شما ایستادهام و دولت من همچنان با شما خواهد ایستاد. ما اعتراضات شما را از نزدیک دنبال می کنیم. شجاعت شما الهام بخش است.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 11, 2020
This is a shining example of what can be done with Twitter or any social media.
President Trump went directly to the people of Iran and offered words of support in contrast to what his predecessor did when similar protests erupted during his time in the White House. Knowing that the leader of the free world is at least offering verbal support has to be a positive step to encouraging change in Iran.
The government of Iran will now need to focus on dealing with these protestors instead of sending missiles somewhere. Also, now that Trump and other world leaders are expressing support for the cause of these brave young men and women, change for the better is possible.
Due, in part, to a new thing called “Twitter Diplomacy.”
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