Pres. Trump to Meet With Kanye and Jim Brown

Taylor, I’m gonna let you finish but I’m meeting with Trump first.

What a strange time we live in.

I know the whole hullabaloo about Taylor Swift yesterday and her announcement about voting for a non-woman whom she does not know a thing about Taylor Swift Breaks Her Political Silence, Makes First Endorsement made some waves.


I loved this part of her statement…

I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me.

followed by a list of some things that terrify her, being she was given a list to pick from and asked politely to point out things that made her sad.

Now comes word that Kanye West (also known as Ye) is going to plop down at the White House on Thursday to talk to POTUS #45. Topics up for consideration are, according to the Inquisitr:

Kanye is expected to use his time at the table to petition the commander in chief to make former convicts a priority in his agenda for continued economic growth. The Times reports that Ye primarily plans on targeting ways to expand work opportunities for those with a criminal past, during their conversation.

The exact scope of the 41-year-old musician and fashion magnate’s vision remains a mystery to date but over the past month or so he has revealed an intention to re-dedicate his energies toward rebuilding Chicago, and he’s followed his vow up by paying a visit to Pitbull’s SLAM charter school, Jim Brown’s Amer-I-Can program, and a couple of other non-profit organizations doing work in marginalized communities. Unfortunately, Ye’s knack for stirring controversy has taken the public’s focus away from such endeavors, with the adoration he’s continually showed toward his “Make America Great Again” hat provoking backlash after backlash.


This is all well and good. President Trump loves celebrity and Kanye loves sticking his finger in his peers’ eyes.

Ask Taylor.

We currently have the world’s highest prison population according to a graph provided by the BBC

Prison rates in the US are the world’s highest, at 724 people per 100,000. In Russia the rate is 581.

What that means is if we start to decriminalize things like Marijuana, then people who were in jail will be let out and be looking for opportunities. Kanye should be given some credit for bringing some spotlight to this issue, like his wife Kim Kardashian, who got a sentence commuted earlier this year.

I’m glad I’m writing about this important topic but am amazed at who I’m writing this about.

What a strange time we live in.

In case you missed my other post on a different subject Sen. Hatch ‘Shoos Away’ People Yelling At Him, Tells Them To “Grow Up” and my podcast Bourbon On The Rocks check it out and follow me on the twitters at IRISHDUKE2




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