JD Vance Leaves Jake Tapper a Sputtering Partisan Mess As He Wrecks His Narratives

Townhall Media

Jake Tapper has never been good at hiding his bias, but he does spend a lot of time putting on his faux-serious face and pretending to be a serious journalist. As the Kamala Harris/mainstream media presidential campaign appears to be imploding, however, the CNN host has been having trouble keeping his cool.


Faced with a skilled opponent like Trump’s running mate JD Vance on Sunday's episode of "State of the Union," he threw all objectivity out the window and became a sniveling argumentative mess. “But but but,” he seemed to be saying constantly, trying to push his own narrative instead of listening to what his supposed interview subject was trying to convey.

Tapper simply wasn’t ready for JD Vance:

Tapper tried to ride the Dems’ latest “Trump is a fascist” BS train, but Vance wasn’t having it:

TAPPER: But Liz Cheney, he said, should be put before a war tribunal. None of that sounds fascist to you at all?
VANCE: No, of course it doesn't.
TAPPER: Putting Liz Cheney before a military tribunal?
VANCE: First of all, I don't buy into the premise of what you're saying, Jake.
TAPPER: These are things he said. These are things he said.
VANCE: Because I just -- on things that I know that he said -- on things that I know that he said, you're impugning things. You're taking words out of context. You're taking two separate conversations and pretending that they...
TAPPER: [Sputtering] No, I'm not.
VANCE: ... were made at the exact same time.
TAPPER [face contorting]: No, I'm not.
VANCE: So I'm rejecting the premise of your question. I frankly don't believe what you're saying about Donald Trump's words.
If you'd like to put up a clip and actually put him in context, I think the American people would realize that Donald Trump is a hell of a lot more reasonable than the people like Liz Cheney, who would like to lie us into war.


Note: Tapper does not play the clip.

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But then Vance hit Tapper where it hurts when he pointed out that CNN has no credibility:

VANCE: Now, Jake, we also should remember, I mean, step back a little bit. Well, ask yourself a basic question about network integrity. You guys talked about the Russia hoax nonstop.
TAPPER: The FBI was investigating it. [Getting hysterical] The FBI was investigating it! So, we -- so we covered them.
VANCE: And so you took the words of unnamed FBI agents and put them on your network as if they were the gospel truth. You did it again and again.

A viewer of your network would've believed that Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin conspired in 2016. Now that was totally and preposterously false.
TAPPER: No. No! What you just said is false.
[Now losing it like a kid caught cheating in grade school] We covered an FBI investigation! I don't know why you want to talk about the FBI investigation.
VANCE: You covered it in a way that gave credence to anonymous sources, accusations. You did it yourself. Your network did it, Jake.

There was more, but you have to watch Jake’s face to get the real feel of how triggered he was. He’s used to fawning CNN panels, not intelligent human beings who are quite a bit faster-witted than he is.


In another clip, Tapper gets his knickers in a twist when Vance has the temerity to stick by his argument. Must watch:

Jake’s attempts at looking like “Mr. Serious Non-Partisan Journalist” completely fell apart Sunday. He’s simply no match for the sharp intellect of JD Vance.


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